Category Archives: cool

Gates’ graph of the year

yoahhhh mumma – how many dimensions can you fit on a graph:

Bill Gates’s graph of the year


Time has its “Person of the Year.” Amazon has its books of the year. Pretty Much Amazing has its mixtapes of the year. Buzzfeed has its insane-stories-from-Florida of the year. And Wonkblog, of course, has its graphs of the year. For 2013, we asked some of the year’s most interesting, important and influential thinkers to name their favorite graph of the year — and why they chose it. Here’s Bill Gates’s.

Infographic by Thomas Porostocky for WIRED.

Infographic by Thomas Porostocky for WIRED.

“I love this graph because it shows that while the number of people dying from communicable diseases is still far too high, those numbers continue to come down.  In fact, fewer kids are dying, more kids are going to school and more diseases are on their way to being eliminated.  But there remains much to do to cut down the deaths in that yellow block even more dramatically.  We have the solutions.  But we need to keep the up support where they’re being deployed, and  pressure to get them into places where they’re desperately needed.”

– Bill Gates is Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Notes: Antifragile (from flight)

Commerce and small business (though not large markets and corporations) are activities and places that bring out the best in people, making most forgiving, honest, loving, trusting and open minded… Like antifragile tinkering, mistakes are small and rapidly forgotten [17].
On errors. In the fragile category, the mistakes are rare and large when they occur, hence irreversible; antifragile mistakes are small and benign, even reversible and quickly overcome. They are also rich in information. So a certain system of tinkering and trial and error would have the attributes of antifragility. If you want to become antifragile, put yourself in the situation of “loves mistakes” [21].

Jawbone health report: what kept us up late…

This is the first wave of publicity generated from aggregating data from health  trackers.

At some stage we’re going to have their data incorporated into weather reports to see how well we slept, how much weight we put on and how inactive we were.

Cant wait for that…

Jawbone’s health report highlights key events where people stayed up late.

Serena Chu Serena Chu on December 19, 2013.
As a means to better understand people’s sleep patterns, the Data Science team at Jawbone compiled a list of major world events and correlated it to specific outlier findings. The study shows that people lost an average of 6 minutes of sleep on the night of the Oscars. And back when Barack Obama was re-inaugurated, 29 minutes were lost.While some events directly affected the amount of sleep, other events, like the George Zimmerman trial and Miley Cyrus twerking at the VMA’s, made no impact. Jawbone’s sleep cycle analysis lets us view our habits and anomalies from a birds-eye view perspective.

In order to come to these conclusions, Jawbone collected over 47 million nights of sleep log from thousands of UP wearers in 2013. So what is an UP device? It is a system that tracks and organizes your movement and sleep data into an holistic report. You can purchase one here.

Take a look at the researcher’s results, some of the findings might catch you by surprise.

DataArt_Year-in-review-FINALSource: Jawbone 

Very cool household tips…

My favourites:

From the Aluminium ones:

Clever DIY Ideas & Solutions for Life’s Little Persistent ProblemsBEST OF 2013


Every home has at least one tiny, annoying thing that drives us nuts. And we all need simple but clever ways to finally deal with it. These posts won’t cure cancer but darn tootin’ they will make your days that much more bearable. So get ready to have perfectly folded fitted sheets, straight artwork, and non-slamming doors. I’ll just say it now: you’re welcome.

  1. How To Fix a Hard-to-Close Door with Toothpicks
  2. Use a Little Bit of Toothpaste to Wipe Away Small Scratches On Your Screen
  3. 12 Easy DIY Tips and Tricks for Hanging Pictures, Frames & Artwork
  4. The Trick to Folding a Fitted Sheet
  5. How To Remove a Stripped Screw Without an Extractor
  6. Lazy Days: A Quick Tip to Avoid Ironing
  7. Simple & Smart Housekeeping Tips: 5 Ways to Put Your Old Candles to Work Apartment Therapy Tutorials
  8. The MacGyver Mindset: Outdoor Tips, Tricks & DIYs
  9. 9 Ways to Use Aluminum Foil Around the House
  10. Definite/Potential/Questionable: Simple Sorting Trick For Closet Cleanouts


Facebook as the template for a shared EMR

As naive as it sounds, this actually makes a lot of sense and couldn’t be any worse than current arrangements. The doctors would hate it on account of it being too easy, but then again, it might not be up to them in the end…



We’d all be better off with our health records on Facebook

By Melissa McCormack December 27, 2013

Melissa McCormack publishes reviews and writes buyers’ guides on electronic health records for Software Advice, a medical software company.

For doctors, Facebook could be a revolutionary tool. AP Photo/Kingman Daily Miner/JC Amberlyn

A Facebook user’s timeline provides both a snapshot of who that user is and a historical record of the user’s activity on Facebook. My Facebook timeline is about me, and fittingly, I control it. It’s also one, single profile. Anyone I allow to view my timeline views my timeline—they don’t each create their own copies of it.



Intuitive, right? So why don’t medical records work that way? There is no unified, single patient record—every doctor I’ve ever visited has his or her own separate copy of my records. And in an age where we can conduct banking transactions on my smartphone, many patients still can’t access or contribute to the medical records their doctors keep for them.



My proposal? Medical records should follow Facebook’s lead.



Cross-industry innovation isn’t new. BMW borrowed from the tech world to create its iDrive; Fischer Sports reduced the oscillation of its skis by using a technologycreated for stringed instruments. So I asked myself: Who has mastered the user-centric storing and sharing platform? The more I thought about it, the more I decided a Facebook timeline approach could be just what medical records need.



To see what I mean, let’s explore some of Facebook timeline’s key features to see how each could map to features of the ideal medical record.



“About” for Complete, Patient-Informed Medical History

On Facebook: The “about” section is the one that most closely resembles the concept of a user profile. It includes a picture selected by the user and lists information such as gender; relationship status; age, political and religious views; interests and hobbies; favorite quotes, books and movies; and free-form biographical information added by the user.



In medical records: The “about” section would be a snapshot of the patient’s health and background. It should include the patient’s age, gender, smoking status, height, weight, address, phone number, and emergency contact information; the patient’s primary care provider; and insurance information. This section would include a summary list of the patient’s current diagnoses and medications, as well as family history. And importantly, both the doctor and the patient would be able to add details.



FACEBK about-patient

“Privacy Settings” and “Permissions” for Controlled Sharing

On Facebook: Privacy settings allow users to control who can see the information they post or that is posted about them. For example, in my general privacy settings I can choose to make my photos visible only to the people I’ve accepted as “friends.” However, if I post a photo I want the entire world to see, I can change the default setting for that photo to be visible publicly instead.



Facebook also allows users to grant “permissions” for outside applications to access their profiles. For example, let’s say I use TripAdvisor to read travel reviews. TripAdvisor lets me sign in to its site using my Facebook account, rather than creating a separate TripAdvisor account. But, to do this I must grant TripAdvisor “permission” to access my Facebook account.



In medical records: Patients could use “privacy settings” to control whether all or part of their information can be seen by a family member or caregiver. For example, if my aging mother wanted to give me access to her “events” (upcoming doctor’s appointments), she could do so. If my college-aged son who is still on my health plan wanted to give me access to his knee X-rays, he could.



facebook privacy

Additionally, a patient could grant “permission” for other doctors to access their records. When I visit a new doctor, rather than signing a form granting my previous doctor permission to fax over copies of my records, I could simply grant permission electronically within the record–and presto! The new doctor would have instant online access.



And doctors could use “permissions” in lieu of the paper forms patients typically have to sign during office visits today–to get patient signoff on the sharing of their information with insurance providers or other doctors, in compliance with thelatest HIPAA regulations for patient privacy.



“Status Updates” to Document Diagnoses and Treatments

On Facebook: “Status updates” let Facebook users broadcast what’s going on with them at a given moment. (For example, my status update might say: “I just had a great idea for improving medical records.”) A user’s latest status update appears toward the top of the timeline; older statuses can be viewed by scrolling through the timeline.



In medical records: Doctors could post “status updates” to log new diagnoses, medications or treatments. For example, if a doctor prescribes a patient Lipitor, a status update would be posted automatically to note the new prescription. These types of new prescription updates would also generate drug interaction alerts. Think of those drug commercials that warn, “Before using our drug, tell your doctor if you have any of the following conditions.” Similarly, the timeline medical record would prompt a doctor prescribing that drug to ask the patient about those conditions before prescribing.



facebook status

“Photos” for the Online Delivery of Test Results

On Facebook: Users can upload pictures they’ve taken. Photos are organized into albums that are visible on the user’s timeline. There’s also a special “photos” section where viewers of the timeline can go to see all of a user’s photo albums.



In medical records: Doctors could upload scans, X-rays, and other test results to a patient’s medical record timeline. When uploading the images, the doctor would be prompted to select the type of image being uploaded, the applicable body part and the date, which would create an album titled with those details–for example, “X-ray-Left foot-11/17/2013.” The timeline record would serve as a single repository for all such “photos,” rather than each doctor or facility having their own copies. The patient or any doctor granted permission to access the record would be able to view past test results.



facebook photos

“Tagging” to Involve Other Parties and Track Common Themes

On Facebook: Users can “tag” other users to indicate their involvement with the content being posted. For example, when I post a picture of myself with a friend, I can “tag” the friend in that photo. This ties the photo to both our timelines instead of just mine. It also triggers a “notification” to the friend that she’s been tagged. She can remove the tag if she doesn’t wish for the photo to be tied to her timeline.



In medical records: Providers can use tagging to alert other providers involved in a patient’s care of pertinent updates. For example, let’s say my primary care physician refers me to a specialist for some tests. When the specialists posts the tests results as “photos,” she could “tag” my primary care physician to ensure he’s notified of the test results as well.



facebook tagging

“Notifications” for Test Result Alerts, Medication Alerts, or Preventive Care Reminders

On Facebook: Users are alerted by red “notification” messages when another user writes them a message, posts a picture of them or otherwise interacts with their profile. These notifications are a way to make the user aware of interactions or information involving them.



In medical records: Patients would be notified when a provider uploads “photos” of them–i.e., lab results or scans. Notifications should also be triggered when patient vitals are out of normal range at an appointment–for example, when blood pressure is low or temperature high. The medical record timeline should also notify both patients and providers when a patient is due for a preventive care visit or screening.



facebook notification

“Check-Ins” to Denote Office Visits

On Facebook: Users can “check in” to places they’re currently visiting. For example, I could “check in” to the concert I’m at on a Saturday night. This would serve as both a status update and a record of my attendance of the concert. Photos can also be marked with places to record where they were taken.



In medical records: Patients literally check in when arriving for doctor appointments. When medical staff check the patient in, this would automatically generate a note on the patient’s timeline recording the date and which provider the patient is visiting. Visits to a specialist would trigger a “notification” to the primary care provider, allowing that physician to better track a patient through the continuum of care.



facebook check-in

“Friendships” to Track New Provider Relationships

On Facebook: Users can create “friendships” with other users when one party electronically requests a friendship and the other party electronically accepts. These friendships are marked on the user’s timeline (“Jane Doe is now friends with John Smith”) along with the date the online friendship was created.



In medical records: “Friendships” in medical records would really be relationships with medical professionals and caregivers. For example, when a patient checks in to an appointment with a doctor he’s never visited before, the timeline would automatically note the new relationship with that doctor. All providers could be accessed via a list of providers, similar to Facebook timeline’s “friends” list. This would serve as a record of all touch-points for care.



facebook providers

“Events” to Track and Remind for Upcoming Appointments

On Facebook: Users can create online “events” to manage attendance and other details for in-person events. For example, I might create an event for the New Year’s party I plan to host, and I might invite my Facebook “friends” to that online event, where they could RSVP and receive reminders as the event date approaches.



In medical records: “Events” in a medical record would represent upcoming doctor appointments or scheduled tests or procedures. Events would be created automatically when a patient schedules an appointment, and as the time of the appointment gets closer, patients would receive online reminders about the upcoming event.



facebook events

It’s Time(line) for a Patient-Centric Medical Record

Dr. Rob Lamberts–a practicing physician, speaker, blogger, and health IT evangelist–tells me his biggest complaint with today’s digital record: “It’s not a patient-centered [medical record]; it’s payment-centered.” This he credits to the way the US health system has historically paid for healthcare, which is based on the volume of treatments rather than the quality of outcomes, requiring doctors to log complex medical codes into their EHRs.



Lamberts voices support for a timeline-like record, but he points out that the right incentives must be in place: “An improved record system like this would have to go hand-in-hand with a business model of medicine that benefited from it.” In other words, a business model which is patient-centric.



facebook whole timeline-medical-record

Luckily, this looks more like the direction the US health system is starting to take. Healthcare reimbursement models are slowly but surely shifting to reward physicians for better care instead of more care, and as that happens, technology providers will be incentivized to create solutions that align with that goal. Mine is to bring the magic of Facebook to medical records. But I’m open to other ideas that solve the patient-centric needs of tomorrow’s health ecosystem.



You can follow Melissa on Twitter at @ProfitPractice and read her reviews atSoftware Advice. We welcome your comments at

Bloodless detection of malaria

AMAZING: Able to spot single malaria infected cell among a million healthy ones without any false positives whatsoever…

New Detector Reliably Spots Malaria in Seconds, All Without Blood Draws

by EDITORS on Jan 6, 2014 • 6:08 pm

malaria blood free detector New Detector Reliably Spots Malaria in Seconds, All Without Blood Draws

A laser pulse creates a vapor nanobubble in a malaria-infected cell and is used to noninvasively diagnose malaria rapidly and with high sensitivity. Credit: E. Lukianova-Hleb/Rice University

Malaria continues to be a persistent problem in large parts of the world and a great deal of effort has been spent fighting the disease. Yet, diagnosing malaria still requires a blood draw, reagents, and a trained medical professional to perform the test. Moreover, these tests are both labor and time intensive, making them difficult to offer in resource-poor environments. Now a team from Rice University has developed a completely new test that doesn’t require a blood sample nor a reagent to test whether it’s infected by the parasite. Additionally, once developed into a product, the device shouldn’t require a medical professional to do the testing.

The system relies on a laser that creates “vapor nanobubbles” within infected cells. These bubbles eventually pop and create a signature sound that is acoustically detected by the device. In pre-clinical testing, the team showed that the device was able to spot single malaria infected cell among a million healthy ones without any false positives whatsoever.

From the study abstract in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:

Here we show that the high optical absorbance and nanosize of endogenous heme nanoparticles called “hemozoin,” a unique component of all blood-stage malaria parasites, generates a transient vapor nanobubble around hemozoin in response to a short and safe near-infrared picosecond laser pulse. The acoustic signals of these malaria-specific nanobubbles provided transdermal noninvasive and rapid detection of a malaria infection as low as 0.00034% in animals without using any reagents or drawing blood. These on-demand transient events have no analogs among current malaria markers and probes, can detect and screen malaria in seconds, and can be realized as a compact, easy-to-use, inexpensive, and safe field technology.

Study abstract in Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesHemozoin-generated vapor nanobubbles for transdermal reagent- and needle-free detection of malaria…

Rice: Vapor nanobubbles rapidly detect malaria through the skin…

Facial hair trends:1842 – 1976

  • Terrific find on facial hair trends over the 20th century
  • The introduction of the safety razor and world wars have had neglible impact on trends

Source Paper: robinson1976a_facialhairtrends


Facial hair trends over time


Facial hair trends

In 1976, Dwight E. Robinson, an economist at the University of Washington, studied facial hair of the men who appeared in the Illustrated London News from 1842 to 1972 [pdf].

The remarkable regularity of our wavelike fluctuations suggests a large measure of independence from outside historical events. The innovation of the safety razor and the wars which occurred during the period studied appear to have had negligible effects on the time series. King C. Gillette’s patented safety razor began its meteoric sales rise in 1905. But by that year beardlessness had already been on the rise for more than 30 years, and its rate of expansion seems not to have augmented appreciably afterward.

Someone has to update this to the present. I’m pretty sure we’re headed towards a bearded peak, if we’re not at the top already.



The Rise and Fall—and Rise—of Facial Hair

There was a time when the best option was to wear both sideburns and a mustache.
 Library Company of Philadelphia/flickr

In 1940, the anthropologists Jane Richardson and Alfred Kroeber examined pictures of catalogues, magazines, and drawings dating back to the 1600s in an attempt to find trends in the cuts and styles of women’s dresses. What they produced were fascinating graphs of evolving social mores, with periods of plunging necklines quickly succeeded by buttoned-up decades of modesty, and vice-versa. One particularly entertaining chart shows generally Amish-length skirts throughout history — save for a racy, rapid shortening during the libidinous 1920s.

Skirt lengths by decade, from 1600 to 1940. (Richardson and Kroeber)

In 1976, University of Washington economist Dwight E. Robinson sought to apply the same technique to fashion trends in the opposite sex—specifically, in men’s “facial barbering.”

For the study, published in the American Journal of Sociology, he examined the period between 1842 and 1972, the years of continuous weekly publication of the Illustrated London News. Since this was the “world’s most venerable pictorial news magazine,” it would serve as his sole source.

With the acknowledgement that the “gentlemen of the News” were largely limited to prominent members of society, he set about counting the frequency with which five different facial hair styles appeared: sideburns alone, sideburns and mustache, a beard (“any amount of whiskers centering on the chin,” in case you were confused), mustache alone, and clean-shaven. He excluded pictures of royalty, models, and non-Europeans, and gathered about 100 images for each year.

Here are the bristly results:

American Journal of Sociology

Beards and sideburns began losing their luster in the mid-late 1800s, while mustaches hit their apex in the early 20th century and have been increasingly less popular ever since. The number of brave souls who sported both sideburns and mustaches peaked in 1877, though the study did not address their later resurgence in modern-day Bushwick.

Few were clean-shaven in the late 1800s, but by the 1970s, nearly everyone was:

American Journal of Sociology

What’s more, the great “beard wave” of 1844 to 1955 corresponded to a similar heydey, for whatever reason, of extra-wide skirts in the Richardson-Kroeber study:

American Journal of Sociology 

Robinson’s theory as to why fashion—both sartorial and hirsute—seems to come in waves is this: Young people tend to eschew the tastes of their elders, but old trends seem new again after a sufficient amount of time has passed. So while long skirts may fall out of favor for one generation, their grandchildren will think they’re the cat’s pajamas.

1890s and 1950s dresses (Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry/Bess Georgette/flickr)

And most men might have been anti-beard between the 1940s and 1976, but a spin around the nearest artisanal cheese shop today will show that’s no longer the case.

Baby cry analytics

Unearthing powerful meaning from something as tedious and mind-numbing as a baby’s cry… nifty!



Early health diagnoses from a single baby cry

Brown University scientists have developed a baby crying analysis system that can help diagnose illnesses from the acoustic quality of the cry alone.alttext

United States 19th December 2013 in Health & Wellbeing.
When a baby cries, it’s usually because they need something — whether that’s breast-feeding, changing, burping or simply attention. But according to researchers at Brown University, babies cries also contain extra information that indicates the state of their health. The scientists have now developed a baby crying analysis system that can help diagnose illnesses from the acoustic quality of the cry alone.A collaboration between the university and the Women & Infants Hospital in Rhode Island, the research showed that a range of different conditions manifest themselves acoustically in the cry of babies, although the difference is imperceptible to human ears. Its digital platform takes recordings of cries, splits them into small 12.5-millisecond clips before analyzing them for any of 80 flags that may indicate anything from neurological problems or developmental disorders. The flags in each clip are then averaged out over the duration of a single cry to determine which ones are most pertinent. Harvey Silverman, professor of engineering and director of Brown’s Laboratory for Engineering Man/Machine Systems: “It’s a comprehensive tool for getting as much important stuff out of a baby cry that we can.” The idea is that the system could detect early signs of disorders such as autism, which typically aren’t apparent until the child is older.

Although the researchers don’t currently have a plan in mind to bring the system to market, it’s easy to see how an app could be developed. Could other kinds of health information be gleaned from unusual sources such as this?


Spotted by Murtaza Patel, written by Springwise

Kingdom of Women

  • A beautiful documentary on the one of the last matriarchal societies in the world -the Mosuo people of South West China.
  • Women are the head of the household
  • Children are raised in their mother’s homes
  • Uncles play father
  • Walking Marriage – a woman can take as many lovers as she likes and the man visits his lover’s house at night, arriving after dark and leaving before dawn. The relationship is only made public once children come along. But even then, couples never live together. Adult men and women remain living in their mother’s home, while children and property always remain with the mother.
  • It was a hot day and I was driving up to Dave Evan’s airbnb house in Newport with Floppy while this was on air
  • There’s a beautiful, slightly melancholic song played during the documentary – excerpt here:


Kingdom of Women

Sunday 22 December 2013 10:05AM

Imagine if your brother raised your children and your husband visited a few times a week.
This is the ancient cultural practice of the Mosuo people – one of the last surviving matriarchal societies in the world.

In Mosuo society, women are head of the household. Children are raised in the mother’s home and uncles play father to their sisters’ children. In the Mosuo’s dialect there is no word for husband or father.



They also practise ‘walking marriage’, a woman can take as many lovers as she likes and the man visits his lover’s house at night, arriving after dark and leaving before dawn. The relationship is only made public once children come along. But even then, couples never live together. Adult men and women remain living in their mother’s home, while children and property always remain with the mother.


In this program, journalist Erin O’Dwyer takes us into a Mosuo village, in a remote and mountainous region of China’s Yunnan province. We meet the young Mosuo men and women who still practise walking marriage, and the elderly grandmother-matriarchs who guard and protect the Mosuos’ ancient way of life.

Translations by Hanmei Li and Ana Zhao.


Erin O’Dwyer
Sound Engineer
Timothy Nicastri
Anthony Wong