Category Archives: cool

7 Emails You Need to Know How to Write

The 7 Emails You Need to Know How to Write

Why Give a Damn:

Emails are how we communicate with each other in this day and age. Writing them well can be the difference between successfully building a relationship and not. This post includes example emails for how to get meetings, ask for introductions to investors, say no gracefully, and more!

The author of this post, Teju Ravilochan, is co-founder and CEO of the Unreasonable Institute.

When emailing, we do things that we’d never do in real life.  Tweet This Quote

Emails are strangely awkward. They give us the ability to start a conversation with anyone in the world, without the social cues of an in-person interaction. So we do things that we’d never do in real life via email. Can you imagine walking up to someone at a dinner party, handing them a large document and saying, “Hey Steve, it’s great to meet you! I’ve heard a lot about you and was wondering if you’d give me feedback on my business plan?” And yet, I get emails like this. A lot of people get emails like this.

So this post is dedicated to effectively writing what I believe are seven of the most important relationship-building emails. I’ve assembled articles and examples for each of the emails below and hope this helps you to start the critical relationships you need to produce extraordinary results!

1. How to get busy people to respond to your emails.

Want to get in touch with Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google? Adam Grant, New York Times best-selling author of Give and Take (which is one of my favorite business books of all time, by the way), lays out six key steps for getting important people to respond to your emails in this post. He includes a story of how a Princeton undergrad sent an email that got a response from then-Google CEO Eric Schmidt! This is a great post!

2. How to ask for an introduction.

This post from Scott Britton, whose company SinglePlatform, exited for $100 million, includes analysis of an email requesting an introduction. Critical elements include:

  • An explicit ask
  • A compelling context as to why you’re asking for the intro
  • An example of traction or partnerships that boost credibility
  • Appreciation, and
  • A template email the recipient can forward onto the person you want an introduction to

Another Great Example: Tim Ferriss offers this exceptional example of how someone reached out to him asking for connections to angel investors.

3. How to make an introduction between two people.

LinkedIn Founder Reid Hoffman and two-time author and entrepreneur Ben Casnocha explain that there are three ways to introduce people over email. The very best of the three involves:

  • Checking with both parties to make sure they want the introduction,
  • Making the intro with a short explanation of who each person in the introduction is and why they should connect
  • Clarifying who will take the next step (e.g. who will follow up first)

This might be more work than putting two people’s email addresses in the CC field and saying, “Jason and Brad, consider yourselves connected!” But it is far more effective in ensuring your true outcome: that the two people you are introducing meaningfully connect and build a mutually productive relationship.

4. How to ask for feedback.

Techstars Founder David Cohen receives 50 cold email requests for feedback each day. In the post above, he explains why the featured email brilliantly won his attention and earned thoughtful feedback from him. The core elements include:

  • Knowing the person you’re emailing and showing them that (echoing Adam Grant’s post)
  • Making the request specific and easy to answer for him

Read the post to see how it’s done concretely!

5. How to ask for a meeting.

Scott Britton’s elements of a good meeting request include:

  • Offering value to the recipient,
  • Explaining the context of meeting clearly (ideally including a brief agenda),
  • Asking for a small, discrete amount of time (like 25 minutes),
  • Making it convenient for them (by offering to meet where it might be convenient for them), and
  • Recognizing that they are giving you their time.

Are you noticing some patterns here? A little thoughtfulness goes a long way in getting people to say yes to your requests. Read the post to see an example!

6. How to be politely persistent in getting someone to write you back.

I assume that people I reach out to cold (and even people I get introduced to) won’t respond to my first email. It often takes 2-3 emails to hear back from them. Impact Hub Boulder Co-Founder Greg Berry taught me the best technique I’ve come across for getting responses for folks who haven’t emailed me back. It involves sending them an email about a week later saying,

“[Name], I hope your day is going great! Forgive me for emailing you again, but I just wanted to follow up on the email below and see if you might have any thoughts. Consider this no more than a friendly nudge!”
This “nudge” email has been surprisingly effective, because it acknowledges the recipient is likely busy (and that my email isn’t her first priority), uses the word “friendly” (which is warm and understanding), and is short.
If this follow up email doesn’t work, I write them again maybe two weeks later and say,
“I hope you’ll forgive me for writing you yet another email, but here at the Unreasonable Institute, we believe in persistence to an unreasonable degree. If [opportunity / ask], isn’t up your alley, I completely understand. I simply did not want to miss this chance to [opportunity – like ‘invite you to be a mentor at the Unreasonable Institute’ or ‘connect you to an investment opportunity I think would be perfect for you’].Whether it’s a fit or not, I sincerely appreciate you considering the request.”

The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.  Tweet This Quote

I’ve written hundreds of these kinds of emails and received only one clearly negative response (which said, “Stop it. You’re annoying me”). Interestingly, that was the one email where I left out the phrase “friendly nudge” and didn’t ask them to “forgive me for emailing again.” But in other cases, I secured a funder for $1 million (which took several emails over the course of 6 months), and the New York Times best-selling author Chip Heath to serve as a mentor at Unreasonable Institute (which took over a fifteen emails over the course of four years).

7. How to say no gracefully.

In the words of Warren Buffet, “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” Odds are that tons of opportunities are flying your way: invitations to speak at conferences, requests for advice, suggestions to open operations in new locations. You might be excited by many of these, but when some come along that you’re not interested in, here are two examples of how to say no.

The first is a humorous example from author E.B. White, which I found in this blog post by Greg McKeown. It reads:

“Dear Mr. Adams,Thanks for your letter inviting me to join the committee of the Arts and Sciences for Eisenhower.

I must decline, for secret reasons.

E.B. White”

The second example comes from an email I recently sent:

Thanks so much for reaching out, [name]. I appreciate what you’re trying to do.One of our core values is militant transparency, so I’ll be fully honest. At the moment, I want to whole heartedly give myself to our core priorities, involving getting our new Institutes up and running, growing our team, and raising capital. That means I’m choosing to decline a lot of conversations I’d otherwise like to have; so I won’t be able to prioritize hopping on the phone with you.

If there’s something quick I can help you with or if you have a specific question, do send me an email about it and I’ll be happy to get back to you!

My best,

Master these seven emailing skills and I submit that you will produce remarkable results for your work!  Tweet This Quote

In Conclusion: Conclusion: Knowing how to make asks via email, particularly in being considerate to the people you are reaching out to, will go a long way in helping you build the relationships you’re looking to build. And the good news is that you can start practicing right away with everyone you email! If you would like, feel free to send me a practice email anytime at
Happy emailing!

Gritty Star Wars Imagery

Zip: I tried to find gritty Star Wars art


I tried to find gritty Star Wars art

By iwantaspaceship · 8 months ago · 38 images · 750,396 views · stats

I wish we could have a gritty Star Wars series

…where the struggle between the Rebels and the Empire was more about people…

…and less about explosions, and zany aliens…

It would be great to see stormtroopers represented as elite infantry, not clumsy cannon fodder…

…and be reminded that they are human beings as well as soldiers…

…and that they have suffered mightily as the Empire consolidated power.

What would it be like to follow the story of a conscript? Would a poor kid, conscripted into the imperial army, have ever been to orbit?

…let alone set foot on exotic worlds?

Maybe some of them really believe in what the Empire is doing? Maybe some of them just want to go home?

Some of the Rebel soldiers are still true blue heroes….

..but there could be charismatic leaders who are basically terrorists….

…using propaganda just like the Galactic Empire….

…in an attempt to depose the emperor and write themselves into galactic history. (like Tom Zarek from Battelstar Galactica)

…they prey on the ideals of soldiers…

…who believe that the Galactic Empire is a monocultural oppressive regime which must be overthrown…

…and maybe the ends too often justify the means…

The Galactic Empire has worlds that are highly industrialized and densely populated, like Coruscant…

…but there are also worlds that are barren and lawless, like Tatooine…

…suggesting a huge disproportion of wealth and resources between developed and undeveloped worlds throughout the empire.

The Rebel soldiers would basically be defectors from the imperial underclass…

…but many Rebel soldiers wouldn’t fully appreciate the legacy of the Old Republic they are trying to restore…

…and that by eliminating the emperor, galactic power will only transfer from a dictator to hundreds of wealthy senators…

One character of the series could be a kid from the Imperial homeworld, Coruscant, who had received a formal education. S/he joins up with the Rebels because they’re sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance’s mission to build a multicultural senate that represents the galactic community…

…but their dissolutionment upon discovering the unspoken motivations of corrupt and self-aggrandizing Rebel leaders would be a way to examine the hypocrisy of the Rebel Alliance…

Another character could be a poor kid who witnessed the invasion of their homeworld and the indiscriminate slaughter of its inhabitants…

…we see the brutality of the Empire’s campaign through the pain of a character who has lost their home, culture, and identity…

…and we can understand why some of the rebel soldiers are merciless and pragmatic, and think that actions akin to terrorism are completely justified.

How about instead of giant space battles the Rebels realize early on that they’re vastly outnumbered…

…and the only way they can succeed, is to lure the Empire into a brutal war of attrition?

The massive resource-intensive mission to destroy the Death Star could be an against-all-odds assault at the end of the 1st season. where the Empire has forced the Alliance’s hand by locating the secret base on Yavin 4.

…imagine if the Rebel assault on the Death Star was a last ditch effort, and it failed, the Yavin base gets destroyed, and a bunch of characters die Game of Thrones style? Wouldn’t that be awesome?

We could also see the graft, violence, and vice in Mos Eisley…

…and how far the Empire’s reach extends into government of remote worlds like Tatooine….

A less hapless C-3PO could make droid espionage pretty cool.

Maybe we could see how the politics of Mos Eisley as an administrative center, affects the moisture farmers in terms of political representation, taxes, civil rights…

…this would set the table for us to really appreciate a new character in the following season: the badass nephew of a moisture farmer from a backwater planet whose uncanny pilot skills turn him into a war hero and a symbol of hope for the Rebels. Maybe kind of like a Star Wars version of Shepard from Mass Effect. His affair with the Alderaanian Princess leading the Rebel Alliance could provide some political intrigue.

Oh yeah, the Jedi. Taking down a Star Destroyer like a boss.

Thank you for reading! Instead of a cat, here’s Jar Jar getting punched by a stormtrooper. Sorry if this artwork has been posted before, I hadn’t seen it so I thought I’d make an album.

Data is just a shadow of human experience. We still need to connect the dots – Roni Zeiger

“Data is just a shadow of human experience. We still need to connect the dots,” Smart Patients founder and Rock Health entrepreneur Roni Zeiger argued last week. Luckily, healthcare may finally be ready for big data—just so long as the algorithms don’t ruin your life.

Human Computation

On the things that computers can’t do but humans can, and vice versa…

Why Humans Can Solve Some Problems Better Than Computers, with Luis von Ahn

NOVEMBER 18, 2014, 12:00 PM

Back at the beginning of the century, a 21-year-old Luis von Ahn helped invent CAPTCHA, which is that familiar internet thing you see above this post. Commonly used as a security mechanism, CAPTCHA is a way for a website to determine if someone trying to obtain access is actually human and not a computer. In his recent Big Think interview, von Ahn describes how the idea behind CAPTCHA formed the essence of reCAPTCHA, which he invented in 2007. ReCAPTCHA relies on what is known as human computation, which harnesses the unique abilities of both humans and computers to accomplish difficult tasks:


Video Link:

In describing human computation, von Ahn explains that both computers and humans have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to problem solving:

“There are problems that computers cannot yet solve. It’s funny because some of these problems are very simple problems seemingly. For example, a computer cannot tell you what’s inside an image. They can tell you somethings but it can’t really quite tell you there’s a cat next to a dog and they’re both running. A computer can’t do that. Well humans, we can do it super easily.”

Simple enough in concept, right? There may soon come a day when computer cognition takes a huge step forward and current limitations vanish. But until then, image identification and thematic analysis are the stuff of human expertise. Way to go, fellow humans.

On the flip side though…

“There are also things that computers can do that humans can’t do. I mean computers can multiply humongous numbers, humans may be able to do it but very slowly and we’re error-prone.”

Alas, we dumb humans exhibit our own limitations, particularly when it comes to the scale of a certain task. Any one person could memorize a poem yet no human being could memorize every piece of poetry written since Antiquity. Computers can and do. In a way, we and computers form a Yin to each other’s Yang. Our abilities match up with computers’ weaknesses like corresponding puzzle pieces.

This is where human computation comes in.

So the essential idea is that there are certain tasks that require both a human’s attention to detail and a computer’s ability to store vast quantities of information. These are problems neither side can solve alone. Human computation therefore harnesses the talents of both. This is how reCAPTCHA works:

“The Idea with reCAPTCHA is that we take a problem that neither humans nor computers can solve by themselves, which is fully digitizing books. The idea there is we would like to digitize books. And the way this process works is you start with a book and then you scan it. The next step in the process is that the computer needs to be able to decipher all of the words in this picture. It’s a picture of words. The computer needs to be able to decipher all of those words. The problem is that sometimes the computer cannot decipher these words because for older books the ink has faded a little or the pages have turned yellow so the computer cannot decipher all of the words. But, humans can.”

You may, at this point, be able to identify where von Ahn is heading here. Just like he explains in his interview about Duolingo, von Ahn has created a piece of technology that serves multiple purposes. ReCAPTCHA is partly a security device and partly a tool of crowdsourcing brilliance. It’s still the same idea as CAPTCHA, except with one added component:

“So what we’re doing with reCAPTCHA… the idea is that some of these [squiggl CAPTCHA] words, nowadays some of these words are words that are actually coming from books that the computer could not recognize in this process and we’re using what people enter to help us digitize the books.”

Von Ahn sold reCAPTCHA to Google in 2009. Since its inception, over 1.1 billion people worldwide have contributed by way of reCAPTCHA to the digitization of old books. Google is now digitizing 2 million per years utilizing the respective powers of humans and computers.

And that’s how human computation works.

Advertising tells you how affluent your suburb is…

How suburban commuters are coaxed into unhealthy eating habits

If you’re surrounded by ice coffee ads, you’re probably in a poorer suburb. Real coffee o

If you’re surrounded by ice coffee ads, you’re probably in a poorer suburb. Real coffee on the other hand … well, you could be well off. Source: News Corp Australia

EVER wondered whether your suburb is well-off or disadvantaged? There’s a simple test you can use to find the answer as you head home from work this evening.

Just check out the food advertisements around your train station or bus stop.

If the ads encourage you to drink diet soft drink, tea or coffee, you reside in an area considered pretty plush.

But if a lot of ads push fast food restaurants, flavoured milk and fruit juice, there is a fair chance you can mark your suburb as “disadvantaged”.

These are the findings from research by Philippa J. Settle, Adrian J. Cameron and Lukar E. Thornton of Deakin University.

Their investigation of ads aimed at commuters in 20 Melbourne suburbs is published in the October issue of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

“This exploration of outdoor food advertising at Melbourne transit stops found 30 per cent displayed food advertisements, with those in more disadvantaged suburbs more frequently promoting chain-brand fast food and less frequently promoting diet varieties of soft drinks,” concluded the researchers.

“These findings may help raise awareness of unhealthy environmental exposures.”

The study reinforces the proposition there is a distinct difference in food eaten in various social-economic communities. And the lower the income, the higher the likelihood that unhealthy fast food will be promoted.

Kooyong station volunteer gardeners John Dale and Charlie Baxter were disappointed when n

Kooyong station volunteer gardeners John Dale and Charlie Baxter were disappointed when new billboards were installed at Kooyong Station in Melbourne. Source: News Limited

The researchers contend advertising influences the type of food we eat and that overseas studies have found that unhealthy foods are most likely to appear in these advertisements.

“This being the case, advertising is likely to have played a role in the current obesity epidemic,” write the researchers in their paper.

“Furthermore, targeted advertising of unhealthy foods may entrench and even increase existing socio-economic inequalities in the prevalence of obesity.”

So some advertising doesn’t just make you fat, it can keep you overweight.

Previous studies found ads at Sydney rail stations commonly advertised unhealthy snacks — although water was the most common beverage — while a Perth study found 23 per cent of commuter stops audited had ads for alcohol.

The Melbourne study is the first to cover all types of commuter public transport and to make socio-economic conclusions.

A total of 233 food advertisements were identified at the 558 public transit stops audited across the 20 sampled suburbs, the study reports.

If you’re seeing ads such as this at your local bus stop, you probably live in an affluen

If you’re seeing ads such as this at your local bus stop, you probably live in an affluent area. Picture: AP/PepsiCoSource: AP

Least-disadvantaged suburbs had a higher mean number of advertisements per suburb compared to the most-disadvantaged suburbs, although this difference was not statistically significant.

And it’s not just a matter of where you live which decides the exposure to food ads. It also depends on how you commute.

“… however, differences were observed by the type of stop. A higher proportion of train stations in the least-disadvantaged suburbs had at least one advertisement present (86 per cent v 42 per cent). Conversely, fewer tram shelters in the least-disadvantaged areas featured food (32 per cent v 50 per cent),” says the research.

“The proportion of bus stop shelters with food advertisements was similar in the least- and most-disadvantaged suburbs (22 per cent and 25 per cent).”

Artificial intelligence meets the C-suite

Artificial intelligence meets the C-suite

Jeremy Howard: Today, machine-learning algorithms are actually as good as or better than humans at many things that we think of as being uniquely human capabilities. People whose job is to take boxes of legal documents and figure out which ones are discoverable— that job is rapidly disappearing because computers are much faster and better than people at it.

In 2012, a team of four expert pathologists looked through thousands of breast-cancer screening images, and identified the areas of what’s called mitosis, the areas which were the most active parts of a tumor. It takes four pathologists to do that because any two only agree with each other 50 percent of the time. It’s that hard to look at these images; there’s so much complexity. So they then took this kind of consensus of experts and fed those breast-cancer images with those tags to a machine-learning algorithm. The algorithm came back with something that agreed with the pathologists 60 percent of the time, so it is more accurate at identifying the very thing that these pathologists were trained for years to do. And this machine-learning algorithm was built by people with no background in life sciences at all. These are total domain newbies


Artificial intelligence meets the C-suite

Technology is getting smarter, faster. Are you? Experts including the authors of The Second Machine Age, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, examine the impact that “thinking” machines may have on top-management roles.

September 2014

artThe exact moment when computers got better than people at human tasks arrived in 2011, according to data scientist Jeremy Howard, at an otherwise inconsequential machine-learning competition in Germany. Contest participants were asked to design an algorithm that could recognize street signs, many of which were a bit blurry or dark. Humans correctly identified them 98.5 percent of the time. At 99.4 percent, the winning algorithm did even better.Or maybe the moment came earlier that year, when IBM’s Watson computer defeated the two leading human Jeopardy! players on the planet. Whenever or wherever it was, it’s increasingly clear that the comparative advantage of humans over software has been steadily eroding. Machines and their learning-based algorithms have leapt forward in pattern-matching ability and in the nuances of interpreting and communicating complex information. The long-standing debate about computers as complements or substitutes for human labor has been renewed.

The matter is more than academic. Many of the jobs that had once seemed the sole province of humans—including those of pathologists, petroleum geologists, and law clerks—are now being performed by computers.

And so it must be asked: can software substitute for the responsibilities of senior managers in their roles at the top of today’s biggest corporations? In some activities, particularly when it comes to finding answers to problems, software already surpasses even the best managers. Knowing whether to assert your own expertise or to step out of the way is fast becoming a critical executive skill.


Managing in the era of brilliant machines: An interview  

Managing in the era of brilliant machines: An interview

In this interview with McKinsey’s Rik Kirkland, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee explain the organizational challenge posed by the Second Machine Age.

Play video

Yet senior managers are far from obsolete. As machine learning progresses at a rapid pace, top executives will be called on to create the innovative new organizational forms needed to crowdsource the far-flung human talent that’s coming online around the globe. Those executives will have to emphasize their creative abilities, their leadership skills, and their strategic thinking.

To sort out the exponential advance of deep-learning algorithms and what it means for managerial science, McKinsey’s Rik Kirkland conducted a series of interviews in January at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. Among those interviewed were two leading business academics—Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, coauthors of The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies (W. W. Norton, January 2014)—and two leading entrepreneurs: Anthony Goldbloom, the founder and CEO of Kaggle (the San Francisco start-up that’s crowdsourcing predictive-analysis contests to help companies and researchers gain insights from big data); and data scientist Jeremy Howard. This edited transcript captures and combines highlights from those conversations.

The Second Machine Age

What is it and why does it matter?

Andrew McAfee: The Industrial Revolution was when humans overcame the limitations of our muscle power. We’re now in the early stages of doing the same thing to our mental capacity—infinitely multiplying it by virtue of digital technologies. There are two discontinuous changes that will stick in historians’ minds. The first is the development of artificial intelligence, and the kinds of things we’ve seen so far are the warm-up act for what’s to come. The second big deal is the global interconnection of the world’s population, billions of people who are not only becoming consumers but also joining the global pool of innovative talent.

Erik Brynjolfsson: The First Machine Age was about power systems and the ability to move large amounts of mass. The Second Machine Age is much more about automating and augmenting mental power and cognitive work. Humans were largely complements for the machines of the First Machine Age. In the Second Machine Age, it’s not so clear whether humans will be complements or machines will largely substitute for humans; we see examples of both. That potentially has some very different effects on employment, on incomes, on wages, and on the types of companies that are going to be successful.


Putting artificial intelligence to work: An interview with Anthony Goldbloom and Jeremy Howard

Machine-learning experts Anthony Goldbloom and Jeremy Howard tell McKinsey’s Rik Kirkland how smart machines will impact employment.

Jeremy Howard: Today, machine-learning algorithms are actually as good as or better than humans at many things that we think of as being uniquely human capabilities. People whose job is to take boxes of legal documents and figure out which ones are discoverable— that job is rapidly disappearing because computers are much faster and better than people at it.

In 2012, a team of four expert pathologists looked through thousands of breast-cancer screening images, and identified the areas of what’s called mitosis, the areas which were the most active parts of a tumor. It takes four pathologists to do that because any two only agree with each other 50 percent of the time. It’s that hard to look at these images; there’s so much complexity. So they then took this kind of consensus of experts and fed those breast-cancer images with those tags to a machine-learning algorithm. The algorithm came back with something that agreed with the pathologists 60 percent of the time, so it is more accurate at identifying the very thing that these pathologists were trained for years to do. And this machine-learning algorithm was built by people with no background in life sciences at all. These are total domain newbies.

Andrew McAfee: We thought we knew, after a few decades of experience with computers and information technology, the comparative advantages of human and digital labor. But just in the past few years, we have seen astonishing progress. A digital brain can now drive a car down a street and not hit anything or hurt anyone—that’s a high-stakes exercise in pattern matching involving lots of different kinds of data and a constantly changing environment.

Why now?

Computers have been around for more than 50 years. Why is machine learning suddenly so important?

Erik Brynjolfsson: It’s been said that the greatest failing of the human mind is the inability to understand the exponential function. Daniela Rus—the chair of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT—thinks that, if anything, our projections about how rapidly machine learning will become mainstream are too pessimistic. It’ll happen even faster. And that’s the way it works with exponential trends: they’re slower than we expect, then they catch us off guard and soar ahead.

Andrew McAfee: There’s a passage from a Hemingway novel about a man going broke in two ways: “gradually and then suddenly.” And that characterizes the progress of digital technologies. It was really slow and gradual and then, boom—suddenly, it’s right now.

Jeremy Howard: The difference here is each thing builds on each other thing. The data and the computational capability are increasing exponentially, and the more data you give these deep-learning networks and the more computational capability you give them, the better the result becomes because the results of previous machine-learning exercises can be fed back into the algorithms. That means each layer becomes a foundation for the next layer of machine learning, and the whole thing scales in a multiplicative way every year. There’s no reason to believe that has a limit.

Erik Brynjolfsson: With the foundational layers we now have in place, you can take a prior innovation and augment it to create something new. This is very different from the common idea that innovations get used up like low-hanging fruit. Now each innovation actually adds to our stock of building blocks and allows us to do new things.

One of my students, for example, built an app on Facebook. It took him about three weeks to build, and within a few months the app had reached 1.3 million users. He was able to do that with no particularly special skills and no company infrastructure, because he was building it on top of an existing platform, Facebook, which of course is built on the web, which is built on the Internet. Each of the prior innovations provided building blocks for new innovations. I think it’s no accident that so many of today’s innovators are younger than innovators were a generation ago; it’s so much easier to build on things that are preexisting.

Jeremy Howard: I think people are massively underestimating the impact, on both their organizations and on society, of the combination of data plus modern analytical techniques. The reason for that is very clear: these techniques are growing exponentially in capability, and the human brain just can’t conceive of that.

There is no organization that shouldn’t be thinking about leveraging these approaches, because either you do—in which case you’ll probably surpass the competition—or somebody else will. And by the time the competition has learned to leverage data really effectively, it’s probably going to be too late for you to try to catch up. Your competitors will be on the exponential path, and you’ll still be on that linear path.

Let me give you an example. Google announced last month that it had just completed mapping the exact location of every business, every household, and every street number in the entirety of France. You’d think it would have needed to send a team of 100 people out to each suburb and district to go around with a GPS and that the whole thing would take maybe a year, right? In fact, it took Google one hour.

Now, how did the company do that? Rather than programming a computer yourself to do something, with machine learning you give it some examples and it kind of figures out the rest. So Google took its street-view database—hundreds of millions of images—and had somebody manually go through a few hundred and circle the street numbers in them. Then Google fed that to a machine-learning algorithm and said, “You figure out what’s unique about those circled things, find them in the other 100 million images, and then read the numbers that you find.” That’s what took one hour. So when you switch from a traditional to a machine-learning way of doing things, you increase productivity and scalability by so many orders of magnitude that the nature of the challenges your organization faces totally changes.

The senior-executive role

How will top managers go about their day-to-day jobs?

Andrew McAfee: The First Machine Age really led to the art and science and practice of management—to management as a discipline. As we expanded these big organizations, factories, and railways, we had to create organizations to oversee that very complicated infrastructure. We had to invent what management was.

In the Second Machine Age, there are going to be equally big changes to the art of running an organization.

I can’t think of a corner of the business world (or a discipline within it) that is immune to the astonishing technological progress we’re seeing. That clearly includes being at the top of a large global enterprise.

I don’t think this means that everything those leaders do right now becomes irrelevant. I’ve still never seen a piece of technology that could negotiate effectively. Or motivate and lead a team. Or figure out what’s going on in a rich social situation or what motivates people and how you get them to move in the direction you want.

These are human abilities. They’re going to stick around. But if the people currently running large enterprises think there’s nothing about the technology revolution that’s going to affect them, I think they would be naïve.

So the role of a senior manager in a deeply data-driven world is going to shift. I think the job is going to be to figure out, “Where do I actually add value and where should I get out of the way and go where the data take me?” That’s going to mean a very deep rethinking of the idea of the managerial “gut,” or intuition.

It’s striking how little data you need before you would want to switch over and start being data driven instead of intuition driven. Right now, there are a lot of leaders of organizations who say, “Of course I’m data driven. I take the data and I use that as an input to my final decision-making process.” But there’s a lot of research showing that, in general, this leads to a worse outcome than if you rely purely on the data. Now, there are a ton of wrinkles here. But on average, if you second-guess what the data tell you, you tend to have worse results. And it’s very painful—especially for experienced, successful people—to walk away quickly from the idea that there’s something inherently magical or unsurpassable about our particular intuition.

Jeremy Howard: Top executives get where they are because they are really, really good at what they do. And these executives trust the people around them because they are also good at what they do and because of their domain expertise. Unfortunately, this now saddles executives with a real difficulty, which is how to become data driven when your entire culture is built, by definition, on domain expertise. Everybody who is a domain expert, everybody who is running an organization or serves on a senior-executive team, really believes in their capability and for good reason—it got them there. But in a sense, you are suffering from survivor bias, right?

You got there because you’re successful, and you’re successful because you got there. You are going to underestimate, fundamentally, the importance of data. The only way to understand data is to look at these data-driven companies like Facebook and Netflix and Amazon and Google and say, “OK, you know, I can see that’s a different way of running an organization.” It is certainly not the case that domain expertise is suddenly redundant. But data expertise is at least as important and will become exponentially more important. So this is the trick. Data will tell you what’s really going on, whereas domain expertise will always bias you toward the status quo, and that makes it very hard to keep up with these disruptions.

Erik Brynjolfsson: Pablo Picasso once made a great observation. He said, “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.” I think he was half right. It’s true they give you answers—but that’s not useless; that has some value. What he was stressing was the importance of being able to ask the right questions, and that skill is going to be very important going forward and will require not just technical skills but also some domain knowledge of what your customers are demanding, even if they don’t know it. This combination of technical skills and domain knowledge is the sweet spot going forward.

Anthony Goldbloom: Two pieces are required to be able to do a really good job in solving a machine-learning problem. The first is somebody who knows what problem to solve and can identify the data sets that might be useful in solving it. Once you get to that point, the best thing you can possibly do is to get rid of the domain expert who comes with preconceptions about what are the interesting correlations or relationships in the data and to bring in somebody who’s really good at drawing signals out of data.

The oil-and-gas industry, for instance, has incredibly rich data sources. As they’re drilling, a lot of their drill bits have sensors that follow the drill bit. And somewhere between every 2 and 15 inches, they’re collecting data on the rock that the drill bit is passing through. They also have seismic data, where they shoot sound waves down into the rock and, based on the time it takes for those sound waves to be captured by a recorder, they can get a sense for what’s under the earth. Now these are incredibly rich and complex data sets and, at the moment, they’ve been mostly manually interpreted. And when you manually interpret what comes off a sensor on a drill bit or a seismic survey, you miss a lot of the richness that a machine-learning algorithm can pick up.

Andrew McAfee: The better you get at doing lots of iterations and lots of experimentation—each perhaps pretty small, each perhaps pretty low-risk and incremental—the more it all adds up over time. But the pilot programs in big enterprises seem to be very precisely engineered never to fail—and to demonstrate the brilliance of the person who had the idea in the first place.

That makes for very shaky edifices, even though they’re designed to not fall apart. By contrast, when you look at what truly innovative companies are doing, they’re asking, “How do I falsify my hypothesis? How do I bang on this idea really hard and actually see if it’s any good?” When you look at a lot of the brilliant web companies, they do hundreds or thousands of experiments a day. It’s easy because they’ve got this test platform called the website. And they can do subtle changes and watch them add up over time.

So one of the implications of the manifested brilliance of the crowd applies to that ancient head-scratcher in economics: what the boundary of the firm should be. What should I be doing myself versus what should I be outsourcing? And, now, what should I be crowdsourcing?

Implications for talent and hiring

It’s important to make sure that the organization has the right skills.

Jeremy Howard: Here’s how Google does HR. It has a unit called the human performance analytics group, which takes data about the performance of all of its employees and what interview questions were they asked, where was their office, how was that part of the organization’s structure, and so forth. Then it runs data analytics to figure out what interview methods work best and what career paths are the most successful.

Anthony Goldbloom: One huge limitation that we see with traditional Fortune 500 companies—and maybe this seems like a facile example, but I think it’s more profound than it seems at first glance—is that they have very rigid pay scales.

And they’re competing with Google, which is willing to pay $5 million a year to somebody who’s really great at building algorithms. The more rigid pay scales at traditional companies don’t allow them to do that, and that’s irrational because the return on investment on a $5 million, incredibly capable data scientist is huge. The traditional Fortune 500 companies are always saying they can’t hire anyone. Well, one reason is they’re not willing to pay what a great data scientist can be paid elsewhere. Not that it’s just about money; the best data scientists are also motivated by interesting problems and, probably most important, by the idea of working with other brilliant people.

Machine learning and computers aren’t terribly good at creative thinking, so the idea that the rewards of most jobs and people will be based on their ability to think creatively is probably right.

About the author

This edited roundtable is adapted from interviews conducted by Rik Kirkland, senior managing editor of McKinsey Publishing, who is based in McKinsey’s New York office.

MIT launches wellness advancing technology program…

Potentially very interesting work…–1-million-grant-fr.html

Media Lab to Launch Wellness Initiative with $1 Million Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

New program, Advancing Wellness, combines academics with on-the-ground initiatives to prompt cultural shifts toward better health.

Princeton, N.J.—The MIT Media Lab this week launched a wellness initiative designed to spark innovation in the area of health and wellbeing, and to promote healthier workplace and lifestyle behaviors.

With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), which is providing a $1 million, one-year grant, the new initiative will address the role of technology in shaping our health, and explore new approaches and solutions to wellbeing. The program is built around education and student mentoring; prototyping tools and technologies that support physical, mental, social, and emotional wellbeing; and community initiatives that will originate at the Lab, but be designed to scale.

The program begins with the fall course Tools for Wellbeing, followed by Health Change Lab in the spring. In addition to concept and technology development, these courses will feature seminars by noted experts who will address a wide range of topics related to wellness. These talks will be open to the public, and made available online. Speakers include such experts as Walter Willett, noted nutrition and clinical medicine researcher; Chuck Czeisler, physician and sleep expert; Ben Sawyer, game developer for health applications; Matthew Nock, expert in suicide prevention; Dinesh John, researcher on health sciences and workplace activity; Lisa Mosconi, neuroscientist studying the prevention of Alzheimer’s; and Martin Seligman, one of the founders of the field of positive psychology. More information about the courses, speakers, and presentation topics and dates can be found here.

The RWJF grant will also support five graduate-level Research Fellows from the Program in Media Arts and Sciences, who will be part of a year-long training program. The funding will enable each Fellow to design, build and deploy novel tools to promote wellbeing and health behavior change at the Lab in a living lab environment, and then at scale.

One of the significant ways that this program will impact Media Lab culture is in the review of all thesis proposals submitted by students in the Media Arts and Sciences program. The Media Lab faculty recently added a new requirement that all thesis proposals consider the impact of the proposed thesis work on human wellbeing.

Other Lab-wide aspects of the initiative include:

  • A monthly health challenge that would engage the entire Lab, with review and analysis of each month’s deployment to help inform the next month’s initiative
  • A buddy system to pair students at the Lab with one another—to build an awareness of wellbeing as a social function, and not just a personal one, and to draw on people’s inclination to solve the problems of others differently than we would solve our own.
  • The Media Lab will host a special event on October 23, 2014, when the creators of the X-Prize convene at MIT, presenting on a new X-Prize for Wellbeing.

“Wellbeing is a very hard problem that has yet to be solved by psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, biologists or other experts in the scientific community,” said Rosalind Picard, professor of Media Arts and Sciences and one of the three principal investigators on the initiative. “It’s time to bring MIT ingenuity to the challenge.”

“RWJF is working to build a culture of health in the U.S., where all people have opportunities to make healthy choices and lead healthy lifestyles. Technology has long shaped the patterns of everyday life and it is these patterns—of how we work, eat, sleep, socialize, recreate and get from place to place—that largely determine our health,” said Stephen Downs, chief techonology and information officer at RWJF. “We’re excited to see the Media Lab turn its creative talents and its significant influence to the challenge of developing technologies that will make these patterns of everyday life more healthy.”

The three principal investigators on the Advancing Wellness initiative are: Rosalind Picard, professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Pattie Maes, the Alex W. Dreyfoos Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; and Kevin Slavin, assistant professor.  PhD candidate Karthik Dinakar, Reid Hoffman Fellow at the Media Lab, will co-teach the two courses with the three principal investigators.  Susan Silbey, Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities, Sociology and Anthropology, will also create independent assessments through the year on the impact of this project.


For more than 40 years the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has worked to improve the health and health care of all Americans. We are striving to build a national Culture of Health that will enable all Americans to live longer, healthier lives now and for generations to come. For more information, visit Follow the Foundation on Twitter at or on Facebook at