In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you – Buddha
Category Archives: cool
The Ice Diet
Frozen food includes a caloric deficit when eaten – the energy to melt it down. In a 100 cal dessert, this can account for up to a quarter of the calories. Go figure
The Ice Diet
When he became determined to lose weight, Dr. Brian Weiner decided to change his eating and exercise regimes. “One of the first changes I made,” explains Weiner, a gastroenterologist in New Jersey and assistant professor at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, “was to give up my beloved ice cream.”
Aiming for something lighter, Weiner replaced it with Italian ices. The cups at his supermarket listed their calorie content as 100—calculated by multiplying 25 grams of carbohydrate by four calories per gram. “One evening, in a burst of insight,” Weiner writes, “I realized that this calculation was incorrect. The manufacturer of the ices did not calculate the energy required to melt the ice, and did not deduct this from the calorie calculation.” By Weiner’s math, he was actually only consuming 72 calories, or “icals,” his term for the net caloric content of ice-containing foods after considering the calories that the body burns to produce the thermal energy that melts the ice.
Weiner reviewed the medical literature. “I found that no one has clearly identified this oversight,” he writes. “I could not locate references to considerations of the implications of the energy content of ice as food.”
After discussing the issue in detail with his son, an engineering student at Rutgers who vetted his father’s calculations, Weiner submitted his story as a letter to editors of the widely-read medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine. They published it. In the article, Weiner said the idea could be of real importance to people trying to lose weight. It’s meant as a supplement to overall diet and lifestyle that go into maintaing a healthy physical form. “While eating ice, you are serving two purposes,” Weiner explains, “you are burning calories and not eating positive-calorie foods.”
Now Weiner has also written an e-book, The Ice Diet. It’s free—part of his stated wish “not to get lumped in with the counter-productive fad diet (snake oil) promoters.”
As a practicing gastroenterologist, Weiner says he regularly avoids micromanaging food selection. He manages obesity as an illness and diets as part of a holistic approach to good eating. “I would usually cringe when patients brought up the weight loss diet of the day, usually some poorly documented and improbable strategy. I never thought I would be actively promoting and discussing weight loss diets.”
But now he is, so, what’s to know about using Weiner’s ice diet?
When you eat a significant amount of ice, your body burns energy to melt it. Eating ice should, by the logic of this diet, also provide some level of satiety, if only so far as it physically fills space in the stomach and mouth.
By Weiner’s calculations, ingesting one liter of ice would burn about 160 calories, which is the energy equivalent of running one mile. So you get to eat and burn calories. Ever since the death of upward mobility, that has been The American Dream.
What’s more, it’s probably safe. “Ingesting ice at this level should not have any obvious adverse consequence in otherwise healthy persons,” Weiner, who trained at Johns Hopkins, writes. “For the vast majority of adults and children, there does not appear to be any contraindication to the use of the Ice Diet right now.”
One piece of evidence for the safety of ingesting substantial amounts of ice, Weiner notes, comes from the case study of the 32-ounce 7/11 Slurpee, from which he concludes, “The ingestion of one liter of ice per day appears to be generally safe.”
At some point beyond that liter, too much ice can be a problem. In the case of one obese person who attempted to eat seven quarts of ice per day, Weiner says, “Not surprisingly, this person suffered an uncomfortable feeling of coldness.” In his professional opinion, that much ice per day would, for most people, be a “toxic dose.” He recommends avoiding eating much more than the Slurpee-tested one liter of ice daily, “to avoid hypothermia or unusual cooling of the body. … Some organs do not work optimally when the body temperature drops too much.”
“For children using the Ice Diet, the amount of ice ingested should be monitored and related to their body weight and ability to report any problems that they might be having by ingesting ice.” Do not put ice into the mouths of children who can’t tell you if their brain has frozen.
For much the same reasons, use caution when using the ice diet during cold weather, Wiener says. Don’t eat ice on the ski slopes or while shoveling the walkway.
Don’t eat ice when you’re too hot, either. After running, for example, the body actually exerts energy through the active effort of dissipating excess heat that builds up during exercise. “If one were to ingest large amounts of ice as one was cooling off from exercise,” The Ice Diet warns, “some of the heat that had been generated by the exercise would be neutralized by the coolness of the ice, minimizing some of the energy burning benefits of the exercise.”
Physics writer Andrew Jones offers more skeptical calculations as to the caloric benefits of the ice diet, determining that eating a kilogram of ice would burn 117 calories. “To reach the 3,500 calories required to lose a pound of weight, it would be necessary to consume about 30 kilograms [66 pounds] of ice,” Jones writes. “Not exactly the most efficient diet plan.” That means, if you ate a liter of ice every day, you would lose about a pound of weight every month, all other things in life being equal. That’s not bad. And all other things wouldn’t be equal. Everything in your life would be different because you would be eating a liter of ice every day.
Also, of course, chewing ice can cause dental problems. Beyond full-blown cracking of teeth, the practice can damage the gums and enamel or injure the temporomandibular joint. To avoid dental damage, Weiner writes, “I would recommend that ice be allowed to melt in your mouth, as with ice pops, or consumed with the texture of shaved ice, as in the 7/11 Slurpee or the frozen margarita.”
Except don’t actually drink a liter of Slurpee every day because that sugar load would more than undermine this entire venture, and drinking a daily liter of margarita is this whole other thing. Weiner recommends making the process less onerous by making your own ice-pops using calorie free liquids instead of sugary concoctions or fruit juices. “For those with a larger budget, the Jimmy Buffett Margaritaville machine shaves ice into a very fine slurry, which can be consumed as-is or flavored with artificially flavored products.”
It’s that easy and, assuming the artificial flavoring you use is totally safe, you’re good to go. You don’t even have to worry about this fad diet becoming uncool. If anyone tells you it’s uncool, you can just cross your arms and say, “It’s objectively the coolest diet around in terms of temperature.” Pass the slurry.
Be a rainbow
IFTTT = If This Then That (awesome)
Automated Life Logging. Go Figure.
IFTTT now automates tasks based on your Fitbit activity
If you’re sporting one of Fitbit’s activity trackers, you can now automate tasks and reminders with the help of IFTTT (If This Then That). The recipe-based software announced a dedicated channel for the sporty gadgets today, handling duties based on goals, activity, sleep, weight and more. For example, you can now log a weigh-in via text message or automatically beam sleep stats to a Google Spreadsheet each morning. Of course, those are just a couple of the possibilities, and users can construct their own formulas as well. Those who prefer Jawbone’s wearables have already been privy to the automated life logging, with other wrist-worn devices like the Pebble smartwatch supported too.
Bill Viola installed in St Paul’s in London
Hallelujah! Why Bill Viola’s Martyrs altarpiece at St Paul’s is to die for
• Bill Viola’s second coming: watch the eerie video installation Martyrs here
Bill Viola has created a powerful modern altarpiece for St Paul’s Cathedral that perfectly suits the restrained spirituality of this most English of churches.
Coming into Christopher Wren’s great building on a weekday morning when crowded buses surround this London icon, you notice how ascetic its atmosphere is. Greek mosaics and the perfect geometry of a dome that suggests the clockwork universe of Wren’s contemporary Isaac Newton make St Paul’s a place of cool, even philosophical, prayer.
Bloody martyrdoms, harrowing images of saints being crucified upside down or tortured with hot pincers – such gut-wrenching pictures are deliberately sidelined in the temple of reason that is St Paul’s. At least, they were untilAmerican visionary Viola unveiled his latest work, a permanent video installation, there on Tuesday.
It has taken more than a decade to agree on, plan and install Viola’s eerie multiscreen work Martyrs (Earth, Air, Fire, Water), a quest that started when the cathedral’s overseers were struck by his exhibition The Passions at the National Gallery in 2003. This exhibition revealed the depth of his interest in traditional religious art. St Paul’s has a steady programme of commissioning modern works but there simply is no other artist today of Viola’s quality who is so committed to the idea of religious art. He is making a second work for St Paul’s, to be unveiled next year, called Mary. He says he hopes the pieces are not just art but “practical objects of traditional contemplation and devotion”.
Martyrs is a study in suffering and redemption. Four people on four vertical screens undergo extreme fates: one has been buried, another hangs with her wrists and ankles bound, another sits amid flames and a fourth hangs upside down as he is drenched in cascades of water. As these images develop and transform in parallel, it becomes hard to know what is death and what is hope. Soil is whirled off the buried man in an upward band of dust, like the zip in aBarnett Newman painting, until he is born again, looking up into heavenly light. Similarly, the suspended woman endures her pain to raise her eyes to that light in a final deathly pose of triumph.
From one point of view, Viola has given the Church of England a visceral shot in the arm, a healthy dose of baroque religious art, a blast of hi-tech Caravaggio. His installation is not literally an altarpiece, but a carbon-steel frame containing four plasma screens that irrestibly evoke medieval polyptych altar paintings. It is subtly situated at the end of an arched aisle with a vista that draws you gradually towards it.
This is no shocking gorefest, despite a sado-masochist suggestiveness that nicely challenges clerical banalities (occasionally looking at these bound bodies I thought of Robert Mapplethorpe‘s photographs). Rather, Viola transforms the idea of martyrdom from some horrific intestine-spilling scene that might terrorise a south Italian church into something eerily still, silent and thought-provoking.
His martyrs do not scream or bleed or even pray. They silently endure their strange fates. The stress is not on numbing details of torture – the man engulfed by fire is not singed. It is on the mystery of human courage that can endure the impossible. Is such strength god-given? Where then does it come from? Viola gets to the core of what martyrdom means. Through video art, he reframes the philosophical questions it has raised ever since Socrates refused to escape his unjust execution in ancient Athens.
Martyrs fits beautifully into the cerebral ambience of St Paul’s because it invites you to contemplate what it is to die for a cause, in much the same intensified yet sombre way one contemplates the mysteries of space and time while looking up into Wren’s Newtonian dome.
Bill Viola is one of the most important artists of our time because he has the bravery to engage with these big questions, and the clarity to do so in a universally compelling way. Atheists have not yet built any special spaces for this kind of deep art, so a church is a fine place to see his work. He takes his spot in St Pauls with becoming modesty and genuine profundity.
Emeritus Professor Stephen Leeder AO – A Celebration!
Emeritus Professor Stephen Leeder AO – A Celebration!
Thursday, 1 May 2014
MacLaurin Hall, Quadrangle Building, University of Sydney
Colleagues gathered to celebrate the remarkable career of Emeritus Professor Stephen Leeder AO.
Keynote presentations and discussion focussed on the following themes: Chronic Disease: An international epidemic; Medical Education; Public Health Education and Training for the 21st Century; and Health Policy.
Chronic Disease: An international epidemic
Professor K. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
Professor Robert Cumming, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney
Medical Education
Emeritus Professor John Hamilton AM OBE, University of Newcastle
Professor Bruce Robinson AM, Dean, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney (see sound recording below)
Public Health Education and Training for the 21st Century
Dr Henry Greenberg, Special Lecturer in Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health
Professor Glenn Salkeld, Head, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney
Health Policy
Dr Mary Foley, Secretary, NSW Health (see sound recording below)
Associate Professor James Gillespie, Deputy Director, Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney (see sound recording below)
Dr Anne-marie Boxall, Director, The Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research (see sound recording below)
Ms Shauna Downs, PhD Candidate, Menzies Centre for Health Policy, University of Sydney
The Hon. Dr Neal Blewett AC (see sound recording below)
Distinguished Guest Speaker: The Hon. Jillian Skinner MP, Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research (see sound recording below)
Sound Recordings
Chronic Disease: An international epidemic
Public Health Education and Training for the 21st Century
Dr Norman Swan in conversation with Emeritus Professor Stephen Leeder
Video Tributes
Flyer and Program
JFK: We shall do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are just.
Thanks Steve Ross Leeder in Orange – what a quote…
But we shall also do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are just.
Kennedy describes his vision for world peace in an age of nuclear threats.
American University Speech
June 10, 1963
President Anderson, members of the faculty, board of trustees, distinguished guests — my old colleague Senator Bob Byrd, who has earned his degree through many years of attending night law school while I am earning mine in the next thirty minutes — distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:
It is with great pride that I participate in this ceremony of the American University sponsored by the Methodist Church, founded by Bishop John Fletcher Hurst and first opened by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914.
This is a young and growing university, but it has already fulfilled Bishop Hurst’s enlightened hope for the study of history and public affairs in a city devoted to the making of history and to the conduct of the public’s business.
By sponsoring this institution of higher learning for all who wish to learn, whatever their color or their creed, the Methodists of this area and the nation deserve the nation’s thanks. And I commend all those who are today graduating.
Professor Woodrow Wilson once said that every man sent out from a university should be a man of his nation as well as a man of his time and I’m confident that the men and women who carry the honor of graduating from this institution will continue to give from their lives, from their talents a high measure of public service and public support.
There are few earthly things more beautiful than a university — wrote John Masefield in his tribute to English universities — and his words are equally true today. He did not refer to towers or to campuses. He admired the splendid beauty of a university, because it was, he said, a place where those who hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who perceive truth may strive to make others see. I have, therefore, chosen this time and place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth too rarely perceived — and that is the most important topic on earth: peace.
What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war, not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace — the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living — and the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children — not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women — not merely peace in our time but peace in all time.
I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age where great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age where a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by all the Allied air forces in the second world war. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.
Today the expenditure of billions of dollars every year on weapons acquired for the purpose of making sure we never need them is essential to the keeping of peace. But surely the acquisition of such idle stockpiles — which can only destroy and never create — is not the only, much less the most efficient, means of assuring peace.
I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. I realize the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war — and frequently the words of the pursuers fall on deaf ears. But we have no more urgent task.
Some say that it is useless to speak of peace or world law or world disarmament — and that it will be useless until the leaders of the Soviet Union adopt a more enlightened attitude. I hope they do. I believe we can help them do it.
But I also believe that we must re-examine our own attitudes — as individuals and as a nation — for our attitude is as essential as theirs. And every graduate of this school, every thoughtful citizen who despairs of war and wishes to bring peace, should begin by looking inward — by examining his own attitude towards the possibilities of peace, towards the Soviet Union, towards the course of the cold war and towards freedom and peace here at home.
First: Examine our attitude towards peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it is unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable — that mankind is doomed — that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.
We need not accept that view. Our problems are man-made. Therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man’s reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable — and we believe they can do it again.
I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concepts of universal peace and goodwill of which some fantasies and fanatics dream. I do not deny the value of hopes and dreams but we merely invite discouragement and incredulity by making that our only and immediate goal.
Let us focus instead on a more practical, more attainable peace — based not on a sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions — on a series of concrete actions and effective agreement which are in the interests of all concerned.
There is no single, simple key to this peace — no grand or magic formula to be adopted by one or two powers. Genuine peace must be the product of many nations, the sum of many acts. It must be dynamic, not static, changing to meet the challenge of each new generation. For peace is a process — a way of solving problems.
With such a peace, there will still be quarrels and conflicting interests, as there are within families and nations. World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor — it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement. And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever. However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising changes in the relations between nations and neighbors.
So let us persevere. Peace need not be impracticable — and war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly — by making it seem more manageable and less remote — we can help all people to see it, to draw hope from it and to move irresistibly towards it.
And second: let us re-examine our attitude towards the Soviet Union. It is discouraging to think that their leaders may actually believe what their propagandists write.
It is discouraging to read a recent authoritative Soviet text on military strategy and find, on page after page, wholly baseless and incredible claims — such as the allegation that American imperialist circles are preparing to unleash different types of war… that there is a very real threat of a preventative war being unleashed by American imperialists against the Soviet Union… (and that) the political aims, — and I quote, — of the American imperialists are to enslave economically and politically the European and other capitalist countries… (and) achieve world domination… by means of aggressive war.
Truly, as it was written long ago: The wicked flee when no man pursueth. Yet it is sad to read these Soviet statements — to realize the extent of the gulf between us. But it is also a warning — a warning to the American people not to fall into the same trap as the Soviets, not to see only a distorted and desperate view of the other side, not to see conflict as inevitable, accommodation as impossible and communication as nothing more than an exchange of threats.
No government or social system is so evil that its people must be considered as lacking in virtue. As Americans, we find Communism profoundly repugnant as a negation of personal freedom and dignity. But we can still hail the Russian people for their many achievements — in science and space, in economic and industrial growth, in culture, in acts of courage.
Among the many traits the peoples of our two countries have in common, none is stronger than our mutual abhorrence of war. Almost unique among the major world powers, we have never been at war with each other. And no nation in the history of battle ever suffered more than the Soviet Union in the second world war. At least 20 million lost their lives. Countless millions of homes and families were burned or sacked. A third of the nation’s territory, including two-thirds of its industrial base, was turned into a wasteland — a loss equivalent to the destruction of this country east of Chicago.
Today, should total war ever break out again — no matter how — our two countries will be the primary targets. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours. And even in the cold war — which brings burdens and dangers to so many countries, including this nation’s closest allies — our two countries bear the heaviest burdens. For we are both devoting massive sums of money to weapons that could better be devoted to combat ignorance, poverty, and disease.
We are both caught up in a vicious and dangerous cycle with suspicion on one side breeding suspicion on the other, and new weapons begetting counter-weapons.
In short, both the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies, have a mutually deep interest in a just and genuine peace and in halting the arms race. Agreements to this end are in the interests of the Soviet Union as well as ours — and even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations and only those treaty obligations which are in their own interest.
So let us not be blind to our differences, but let us also direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s futures. And we are all mortal.
Third: Let us re-examine our attitude towards the cold war, remembering that we are not engaged in a debate, seeking to pile up debating points.
We are not here distributing blame or pointing the finger of judgment. We must deal with the world as it is, and not as it might have been had the history of the last eighteen years been different.
We must therefore persevere in the search for peace in the hope that constructive changes within the Communist bloc might bring within reach solutions which now seem beyond us. We must conduct our affairs in such a way that it becomes in the Communists’ interest to agree on a genuine peace. And above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy — or of a collective death-wish for the world.
To secure these ends, America’s weapons are non-provocative, carefully controlled, designed to deter and capable of selective use. Our military forces are committed to peace and disciplined in self-restraint. Our diplomats are instructed to avoid unnecessary irritants and purely rhetorical hostility.
For we can seek a relaxation of tensions without relaxing our guard. And for our part, we do not need to use threats to prove we are resolute. We do not need to jam foreign broadcasts out of fear our faith will be eroded. We are unwilling to impose our system on any unwilling people — but we are willing and able to engage in peaceful competition with any people on earth.
Meanwhile, we seek to strengthen the United Nations, to help solve its financial problems, to make it a more effective instrument for peace, to develop it into a genuine world security system — a system capable of resolving disputes on the basis of law, of insuring the security of the large and the small, and of creating conditions under which arms can finally be abolished.
At the same time we seek to keep peace inside the non-Communist world, where many nations, all of them our friends, are divided over issues which weaken Western unity, which invite Communist intervention or which threaten to erupt into war.
Our efforts in West New Guinea, in the Congo, in the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent have been persistent and patient despite criticism from both sides. We have also tried to set an example for others — by seeking to adjust small but significant differences with our own closest neighbors in Mexico and Canada.
Speaking of other nations, I wish to make one point clear: We are bound to many nations by alliances. These alliances exist because our concern and theirs substantially overlap. Our commitment to defend Western Europe and West Berlin, for example, stands undiminished because of the identity of our vital interests. The United States will make no deal with the Soviet Union at the expense of other nations and other peoples, not merely because they are our partners, but also because their interests and ours converge.
Our interests converge, however, not only in defending the frontiers of freedom, but in pursuing the paths of peace.
It is our hope — and the purpose of allied policies — to convince the Soviet Union that she, too, should let each nation choose its own future, so long as that choice does not interfere with the choices of others. The Communist drive to impose their political and economic system on others is the primary cause of world tension today. For there can be no doubt that, if all nations could refrain from interfering in the self-determination of others, the peace would be much more assured.
This will require a new effort to achieve world law — a new context for world discussions. It will require increased understanding between the Soviets and ourselves. And increased understanding will require increased contact and communication.
One step in this direction is the proposed arrangement for a direct line between Moscow and Washington, to avoid on each side the dangerous delays, misunderstanding, and misreadings of the other’s actions which might occur at a time of crisis.
We have also been talking in Geneva about our first-step measures of arms control, designed to limit the intensity of the arms race and reduce the risk of accidental war.
Our primary long-range interest in Geneva, however, is general and complete disarmament — designed to take place by stages, permitting parallel political developments to build the new institutions of peace which would take the place of arms. The pursuit of disarmament has been an effort of this Government since the 1920’s. It has been urgently sought by the past three Administrations. And however dim the prospects are today, we intend to continue this effort — to continue it in order that all countries, including our own, can better grasp what the problems and the possibilities of disarmament are.
The only major area of these negotiations where the end is in sight — yet where a fresh start is badly needed — is in a treaty to outlaw nuclear tests. The conclusion of such a treaty — so near and yet so far — would check the spiraling arms race in one of its most dangerous areas. It would place the nuclear powers in a position to deal more effectively with one of the greatest hazards which man faces in 1963 — the further spread of nuclear arms. It would increase our security — it would decrease the prospects of war.
Surely this goal is sufficiently important to require our steady pursuit, yielding neither to the temptation to give up the whole effort nor the temptation to give up our insistence on vital and responsible safeguards.
I am taking this opportunity, therefore, to announce two important decisions in this regard:
First: Chairman Khrushchev, Prime Minister Macmillan and I have agreed that high-level discussions will shortly begin in Moscow looking towards early agreement on a comprehensive test ban treaty. Our hopes must be tempered with the caution of history — but with our hopes go the hopes of all mankind.
Second: To make clear our good faith and solemn convictions on this matter, I now declare that the United States does not propose to conduct nuclear tests in the atmosphere so long as other states do not do so. We will not be the first to resume. Such a declaration is no substitute for a formal binding treaty — but I hope it will help us achieve one. Nor would such a treaty be a substitute for disarmament — but I hope it will help us achieve it.
Finally, my fellow Americans, let us examine our attitude towards peace and freedom here at home. The quality and spirit of our own society must justify and support our efforts abroad. We must show in the dedication of our own lives — as many of you who are graduating today will have an opportunity to do, by serving without pay in the Peace Corps abroad or in the proposed National Service Corps here at home.
But wherever we are, we must all, in our daily lives live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together. In too many of our cities today, the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete.
It is the responsibility of the executive branch at all levels of government — local, state, and national — to provide and protect that freedom for all of our citizens by all means within our authority. It is the responsibility of the legislative branch at all levels, whenever the authority is not now adequate, to make it adequate. And it is the responsibility of all citizens in all sections of this country to respect the rights of others and respect the laws of the land.
All this is not unrelated to world peace. When a man’s ways please the Lord — the scriptures tell us — he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. And is not peace, in the last analysis basically a matter of human rights — the right to live out our lives without fear of devastation — the right to breathe air as nature provided it — the right of future generations to a healthy existence?
While we proceed to safeguard our national interests let us also safeguard human interests. And the elimination of war and arms is clearly in the interest of both.
No treaty, however much it may be to the advantage of all, however tightly it may be worded, can provide absolute security against the risks of deception and evasion. But it can — if it is sufficiently effective in its enforcement and it is sufficiently in the interests of its signers — offer far more security and far fewer risks than an unabated, uncontrolled, unpredictable arms race.
The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war. We do not want a war. We do not now expect a war. This generation of Americans has already had enough — more than enough — of war and hate and oppression. We shall be prepared if others wish it. We shall be alert to try to stop it. But we shall also do our part to build a world of peace where the weak are safe and the strong are just.
We are not helpless before that task or hopeless of its success. Confident and unafraid, we must labor on — not towards a strategy of annihilation but towards a strategy of peace.
Thank you.
the next thought… stasis is tyranny
so we established yesterday that change on it’s own does not inoculate against tyranny.
but at jen’s urging, I’ve taken the next step to:
stasis is tyranny
I’d choose you
How we forget – dentate gyrus neurogenesis is the key!
Neuron study helps explain why we forget
Memories from early childhood are notoriously elusive but why can’t we recall our most formative experiences? New research suggests it could be a case of the old making way for the new – neurons, that is.
A study, published today in Science, has found that neurogenesis – the generation of new neurons – regulates forgetting in adulthood and infancy and could significantly contribute to the phenomenon of “infantile amnesia”.
Throughout life, new neurons are continually generated in the dentate gyrus, part of the brain’s hippocampus. This is one of only two areas in the mammalian brain that consistently generates neurons after infancy, aiding the formation of new memories of places and events.
These new neurons compete for established neuronal connections, altering pre-existing ones. By squeezing their way into these networks, new neurons disrupt old memories, leading to their degradation and thus contributing to forgetting.
Neurogenesis is particularly rampant in humans during infancy but declines dramatically with age. So researchers hypothesised that this increased disruption to hippocampal memories during childhood renders them inaccessible in adulthood.
Rodent recollections
To investigate the correlation between neurogenesis and forgetting, a team from the University of Toronto conducted a series of tests on mice, guinea pigs and a type of small rodent called degus.
First, a group of infant and adult mice were trained to fear a certain environment through the use of mild electric foot shocks.
Some of the adult mice were then provided access to running wheels, an activity that has been shown to boost neurogenesis. When returned to the initial environment, the adult mice who used the running wheels had largely forgotten their fear of the electric shocks, while those without the wheels maintained an association between the space and fear.
From the group of infant mice a number were given drugs to slow the rate of neurogenesis to see if decreasing the generation of new neurons mitigated the forgetting normally observed in infant mice. In accordance with the researchers’ hypothesis, the ability of these animals to retain memories improved in comparison to their untreated counterparts.
The study was then moved to rodents whose infancy period distinctly differs from mice – and humans – guinea pigs and degus. These rodents have a shorter postnatal hippocampal neurogenesis because they are more neurologically mature at birth. That means they have extended memory retention as infants so those animals were given drugs to artificially increase neurogenesis – which resulted in forgetting.
Psychologist Dr Amy Reichelt, from the University of New South Wales, said it was good the study used infant guinea pigs and degus.
“These animals are born in a ‘precocious’ way – they are basically miniature adults – able to run about independently, as opposed to mice, rats and humans who are vulnerable and dependent at birth,” she said.
“In young animals where neurogenesis is at a high level, memory circuits are constantly changing, so this supports that certain memories are ‘pruned’ out and thus forgotten – supporting the notion of infantile amnesia.”
How could you forget?
Previous studies have examined the relationship between hippocampal neurogenesis and memory, with a focus on its importance in the consolidation of memories in adult animals. But they have not considered how neurogenesis can also jeopardise memory retention.
Behavioural psychologist Dr Jee Hyun Kim, Head of the Developmental Psychobiology Lab at Melbourne’s Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, said: “It has long been speculated that the ‘immaturity’ of the hippocampus may be responsible for infantile amnesia. Back in the days ‘immaturity’ was interpreted as dysfunctional, or low in function.
“However, recent studies speculated that immaturity can also occur in the form of hyper functionality. This study shows that the extreme plastic nature of our brains early in life can be the reason why we forget quickly episodic memories happening early in life.”
Infantile amnesia is not restricted to hippocampus-dependent memories in humans and animals. Dr Kim said it was likely that neurogenesis formed only a part of the story.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if we find undiscovered neurogenesis in other parts of the brain,” she said.
A spotless mind
But does this research hint at ways of improving memory retention in the future?
“It would not be feasible to discourage neurogenesis and reduce forgetting of existing memories,” Dr Kim said, “as adult neurogenesis has a well-established link to depression (low neurogenesis means high depression)”.
Surprisingly, it’s the other side of the coin that promises more potential opportunities. Harnessing neurogenesis to destabilise pre-existent memories could have its own benefits. Dr Kim said depressed or anxious people may want to forget and focus on creating better memories and/or thought patterns.
This can be especially constructive for children who experience trauma in early life, Dr Reichelt said.
“Increasing neurogenesis could be a useful therapy to treat or prevent the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder,” she said.