Category Archives: cool

My Interests circa 2008

Just found this sitting in a dormant google drive account from May 2008.. it’s interesting to see how my interests have changed from a time when things were different (properly single, mid-HealthCube) but also still in Pyrmont and still wanting to hustle.

A few things have been ticked off (Year Book, Podcasting), a few things relegated (St James, Mind-Brain, Art) and a few things dispatched (Tanclear, Renewables). The remainder are still in the hunt…

pjn interests mid 2008


Very cool – visualisation of all flights in the air live

A century of passenger air travel

JANUARY 22, 2014  |  MAPPING

Aviation for 100 years

Kiln and the Guardian explored the 100-year history of passenger air travel, and to kick off the interactive is an interactive map that uses live flight data from FlightStats. The map shows all current flights in the air right now. Nice.

Be sure to click through all the tabs. They’re worth the watch and listen, with a combination of narration, interactive charts, and old photos.

And of course, if you like this, you’ll also enjoy Aaron Koblin’s classic Flight Patterns.

Fight Club easter eggs…

One of my favourite movies…

25 Things You Didn’t Know About The Movie “Fight Club”

1. At the beginning of the movie, after the traditional copyright warning, there is a second warning that flashes for a second.


2. Director David Fincher has claimed in interviews that there is at least one Starbucks cup visible in every scene in the movie.


3. Tyler Durden flashes on screen four times before we actually meet him as a character.



4. And, in an early scene of the narrator, there is an ad for Bridgeworth Suites playing on a TV in front of him…



25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

…Featuring Brad Pitt.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

5. The breath in the cave scene is actually Leonardo Di Caprio’s breath from Titanic, composited into the shot.

6. Brad Pitt didn’t want his parents to watch the movie but they insisted. They changed their minds when they saw this scene:

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

7. Before shooting, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton actually took boxing and soap-making classes.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

8. And, according to IMDb, Brad Pitt actually went to a dentist to have his front tooth chipped for the role.

9. Helena Bonham Carter, who is 5’2”, wore huge platform shoes to be closer in height to 5-foot-11-inch Brad Pitt and 6-foot Edward Norton.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

10. And she insisted that her makeup artist do all her makeup left-handed, because she thought the character of Marla wouldn’t care about, or be good at, that kind of thing.

11. During this scene, when a Fight Club member sprays a priest, the camera shakes slightly because the cameraman couldn’t keep from laughing.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

12. Before deciding on Brad Pitt, the producers initially wanted Russell Crowe to play Tyler Durden.

Before deciding on Brad Pitt, the producers initially wanted Russell Crowe to play Tyler Durden.

13. And both Sean Penn and Matt Damon were considered for the role of the narrator, which Edward Norton eventually played.

14. Reese Witherspoon and Sarah Michelle Gellar were both offered Helena Bonham Carter’s role of Marla Singer.

Jason Merritt

Frederick M. Brown


Witherspoon turned it down because it was “too dark,” and Gellar’s contract with Buffy didn’t let her accept the role.

And Courtney Love and Winona Ryder were also considered for the role.

Andrew H. Walker

Valerie Macon


15. The font used for the title and credits is called “Fight This.”

The font used for the title and credits is called "Fight This."

16. When the narrator is sitting at work writing haikus, the names on the document on his screen are of the film’s production assistants and crew members.

When the narrator is sitting at work writing haikus, the names on the document on his screen are of the film's production assistants and crew members.

17. Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter spent three days recording orgasm sounds for their unseen sex scenes.

18. This line of pillow talk was originally supposed to be “I want to have your abortion,” but Laura Ziskin, a producer at Fox 2000, found that too offensive.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

The director agreed to change the line, on the condition that the new line wouldn’t be up for negotiation. When Ziskin saw the new line (“I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school”) she found it to be even more offensive, but couldn’t do anything about it because of their agreement.

19. In the scene where the narrator first punches Tyler Durden, Edward Norton was supposed to fake-hit Brad Pitt…

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

But at the last minute, director David Fincher told Edward Norton to actually punch Brad Pitt. Pitt’s wince of pain is real, and you can see Norton laughing about it.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

20. Marla Singer’s phone number is the same as Teddy’s number in the movie Memento.

It is also the same as the Hong Kong Restaurant’s phone number in Harriet the Spy, Eddie Alden’s phone number in the movie Someone Like You, and the number for a mental institution in an episode of the show Millennium.

21. While filming this scene, Edward Norton was actually completely nude from the waist down.

While filming this scene, Edward Norton was actually completely nude from the waist down.

On the DVD commentary, he tells director Fincher this and then jokes, “Did you notice I never had to go to the bathroom that day?”

22. To look convincingly like sagging flesh, Bob’s fat suit was filled with birdseed. It weighed more than 100 pounds.

23. When Tyler is giving a speech to the Fight Club, he looks directly at Jared Leto’s character when he mentions rockstars.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

The year before the film’s release, Jared Leto formed the now platinum-selling band 30 Seconds To Mars.

24. The movie contains several subtle hints about the special “relationship” between Tyler Durden and the narrator.

The movie contains several subtle hints about the special "relationship" between Tyler Durden and the narrator.

For instance, when they both get on a bus together, the narrator only pays the fare for one person. Later in the movie, when they are together in a car that Tyler is driving, the narrator also gets out on the driver’s side.

25. And, finally, in the last scene of the film, there is a single frame flash of male genitalia, just like Tyler Durden would insert into films at his projectionist job.

25 Things You Didn't Know About The Movie "Fight Club"

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Top piece… obesity and diabetes

This guy is an arts/law student at Sydney University and he does a terrific job of crystallizing the issue… recognised in him winning the Wentworth Prize. Good on him.

Obesity cannot be controlled through personal responsibility alone

Policymakers have invested in the exhausted, glib explanation that maintaining nutritional health is a matter of personal and parental responsibility. But is it?

Assuming collective responsibility for obesity and diabetes would likely require highly invasive disincentives like sugar or beverage taxes. Photograph: Foodfolio/Alamy

McDonald’s cookies have an energy density comparable to hydrazine. Hydrazine is a rocket fuel used to manoeuvre spacecraft in orbit. It was astonishing, then, to watch a small child graze through two boxes of the desiccated biscuits in one sitting. His parents watched on, preoccupied with their own colossal meals: a noxious amalgam of meat, grease and sugar.

The prime minister, once our federal health minister, has explained his attitude. “The only person responsible for what goes into my mouth is me,” he said, “and the only people who are responsible for what goes into kids’ mouths are the parents”. The Gillard government agreed, ignoring recommendations produced by its own preventative health taskforce to tax unhealthy foods and eliminate junk food advertising directed at children.

Policymakers have invested in the exhausted, glib explanation that maintaining nutritional health is a matter of personal and parental responsibility – a corporate defence strategy adapted from the tobacco and alcohol industries. By implication, obesity is the result of individualirresponsibility: poor dietary choices, idle lifestyles, questionable parenting, or inadequate resolve.

Intuitively, it is easy to understand the political appeal of this doctrine. It conforms to cultural stereotypes, that “fat people” are slothful and indolent. Moreover, assuming collective responsibility for obesity and diabetes would likely require highly invasive disincentives like sugar or beverage taxes. Policymakers are eager to avoid the political liability associated with these proposals.

But this “personal responsibility” paradigm is troubling. First, it reflects popular indifference to the obesity epidemic. It is properly called an epidemic. Over 63% of Australian adults are overweight or obese. A fifthof all cancer deaths in the US are attributable to obesity. A quarter of the world population will likely acquire type 2 diabetes, while diabetes sufferers constitute two-thirds of all the deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. Globally, abnormal body mass index accounts for 23% of disability-adjusted life-years.

And if the number of sufferers continues to grow, children born today will enjoy shorter life expectancies than both their parents and grandparents.

Yet numbers make no sense unless they are properly communicated. Both obesity and type 2 diabetes are deeply human tragedies, but that is yet to register among the public and policymakers. They are tragedies that happen to “other people”, after a seemingly predictable descent into sedentary living and poor eating. Neither disease has the terrifying arbitrariness of cancer, nor the abruptness of a sudden heart attack – neither seems to warrant the same commitment to prevention.

Coca-Cola CEO: 'Obesity is a serious problem'.
Coca-Cola CEO: ‘Obesity is a serious problem’. Photograph: Geoff Abbott/Demotix/Corbis

Australians, for instance, remain acutely aware of the causal links between smoking and lung cancer or emphysema. Anti-smoking campaigns here are intensely visual and heavily funded. Comparable anti-obesity campaigns receive a third of the funding. Obesity is substantially lower as a preventative health priority.

Second, the personal responsibility doctrine allows government and industry to play an interminable game of pass-the-parcel with obesity control. At its most basic, obesity develops when a person’s energy consumption exceeds their energy expenditure. Commercial interests are best served by preserving the rate of consumption, and instead appealing to exercise and sport. “Think. Drink. Move.” intones Coca-Cola. “Confectionery is designed to be enjoyed,” writes Cadbury, “as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle.”

Central, then, to the corporate responsibility mission is a selective emphasis on physical activity over diet, and a denial of the good food/bad food dichotomy. Blame is deflected instead onto the consumer. The CEO of Coca-Cola, Muhtar Kent, provides a typical illustration of this disingenuous, faux-conscientious marketing. “Obesity is a serious problem. We know that,” he silkily conceded. “And we agree that Americans need to be more active and take greater responsibility for their diets.”

So policymakers are stuck in a trap of industry’s design. Through the personal responsibility conceit, the debate over tackling obesity has been reduced to a simplistic binary: consumption control versus the promotion of sport and exercise.

It is a neat and digestible expression of the basic obesity problem, but it lazily defers some crucial questions. Consumption is the half of the obesity equation which has the greatest effect, and over which we have the most control. But governments have been caught up in the food politics of “energy-in-energy-out” without asking why 10% of the Australian population visits McDonald’s every day despite school curriculums saturated in dietary education, why Indigenous communities suffer disproportionately high rates of obesity and diabetes, or why ultra-processed foods are cheaper than healthy alternatives.

Clearly, understandings of personal responsibility will play an important role in any obesity control regime. Eliminating it entirely is unhelpful, and would only sustain the worn cliché that obesity is an exclusively genetic problem, to be cured rather than prevented.

Yet a country does not get fat for lack of responsibility. That cannot explain the rapid growth or severity of the obesity-diabetes epidemic. It is a caricature of the complex factors which influence the lifestyle patterns of individuals, and it fails to address the roots of overconsumption: cost of living, manipulative marketing, nutritional misinformation and – often overlooked – simple palatability.

Australia is the muffin top of Asia, and it is killing our citizens. Dispensing with the fiction of personal responsibility is the first step to a truly holistic solution – one which finds an appropriate balance between education, industry self-regulation, and firm government intervention.

Very cool Eulerian Video Filtering to monitor heart rate

This is so cool and will transform biological monitoring… can’t wait for it to become mainstream.


Our goal is to reveal temporal variations in videos that are difficult or impossible to see with the naked eye and display them in an indicative manner. Our method, which we call Eulerian Video Magnification, takes a standard video sequence as input, and applies spatial decomposition, followed by temporal filtering to the frames. The resulting signal is then amplified to reveal hidden information. Using our method, we are able to visualize the flow of blood as it fills the face and also to amplify and reveal small motions. Our technique can run in real time to show phenomena occurring at temporal frequencies selected by the user.

An example of using our Eulerian Video Magnification framework for visualizing the human pulse. (a) Four frames from the original video sequence. (b) The same four frames with the subject’s pulse signal amplified. (c) A vertical scan line from the input (top) and output (bottom) videos plotted over time shows how our method amplifies the periodic color variation. In the input sequence the signal is imperceptible, but in the magnified sequence the variation is clear.


Teach your kids to code… ohhhh YEAH

Such a cool idea, and why not? It’s just another language.

Wooden toy teaches preschoolers to code, before they can read and write

Primo is in fact a robotics kit that uses a visual, wooden block-based language to enable kids to learn how to program.alttext

United Kingdom 15th January 2014 in EducationEntertainment.
For the majority of consumers, being able to use an app is akin to knowing how to speak a language but not read and write, as many are ‘code-illiterate’ when it comes to computer programming. Today, consumers can barely remember how they got anything done before smartphones, and yet the majority have no idea how the code that powers the apps they use everyday actually works. Hoping to teach children the basics of coding from as young as three years of age, Primo is on the surface a wooden toy for children, but is in fact a robotics kit that uses a visual block-based language to enable kids to learn how to program.The play set features a small, motorized cube called Cubetto, which is wirelessly connected to a wooden board with several slots in it. The board acts as the programming interface and children control Cubetto by placing the code — color-coded instruction blocks — into the slots. Once the blocks have been placed, pressing a red button on the side of the board executes the code and sends Cubetto to the programmed destination. The four blocks of the code include foward, turn left, turn right and a function block. The programming board includes a separate section where users can create a ‘saved’ sequence of code they can call at any time — when the function block is placed into the main code, it replays the piece of code stored in the function box. This replicates the way languages such as PHP and JavaScript use functions. This feature can even be hacked to create infinite loops. The video below offers more information about the project:

The startup successfully reached its funding target on Kickstarter, and is currently selling the full play set for USD 170 through its website. Much like the code-inspired Robot Turtles board game, Primo aims to set up the next generation to be able to read and write code — not just use it — while also entertaining them. How else can programming be promoted among young children?


iPhone supported ambulatory PulseOx, Heart and BP monitoring

Some pretty cool kit launched at CES

iHealth Launches New Wristworn Pulse Oximeter, Ambulatory Heart and Blood Pressure Monitors at CES 2014

Posted By Gaurav Krishnamurthy On January 13, 2014 @ 1:30 pm

iHealth pulse oximeter iHealth Launches New Wristworn Pulse Oximeter, Ambulatory Heart and Blood Pressure Monitors at CES 2014iHealth (Mountain View,CA), a subsidiary of China-based Andon Health, launched a new wristworn pulse oximeter, an ambulatory heart monitor, and an ambulatory blood pressure monitor at CES 2014. The pulse oximeter continuously measures blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate at the finger tip, and is connected to a wrist strap that has an LED display showing the readings. The device also syncs via Bluetooth to the iHealth iOS app to display and track blood oxygen levels over time. Like other pulse oximeters, the device works by projecting two light beams, one red and the other infrared, onto the blood vessels in the finger. Oxygenated blood absorbs more infrared light and allows more red light to pass through, whereas deoxygenated blood absorbs more red light and allows more infrared light to pass through. A photodetector opposite the light emitters measures the ratio of red to infrared light received and from that calculates the amount of oxygen in the blood.

ihealth bmp iHealth Launches New Wristworn Pulse Oximeter, Ambulatory Heart and Blood Pressure Monitors at CES 2014The second device unveiled by iHealth is an ambulatory heart rhythm monitor that is attached to the user’s chest using an adhesive patch. The monitor syncs with an iOS device using Bluetooth connectivity and displays a complete ECG on the user’s phone.

The device is capable of notifying the user of any arrhythmia and will also be able to convey this information to a loved one or a caregiver. The device can save up to 72 hours of ECG data, and may one day serve as an option over Holter monitors for arrhythmia detection and characterization (see related story here[3]).

iHealth blood pressure monitor iHealth Launches New Wristworn Pulse Oximeter, Ambulatory Heart and Blood Pressure Monitors at CES 2014The third device launched by iHealth is an ambulatory blood pressure monitor that connects to a wearable blood pressure vest. The monitor is able to continuously track the wearer’s blood pressure without disturbing the user’s normal activity. It is able to connect to Android and iOS phones through Bluetooth 4.0 and can save up to 200 blood pressure readings. The blood pressure measurements can be registered in preset intervals, starting at every 15 minutes, or the user can have the device measure blood pressures at longer intervals of every 2 hours. The device is targeted at addressing the need for a continuous blood pressure monitoring device to better understand and track hypertension.

Both the iHealth ambulatory heart monitor and the ambulatory blood pressure monitor are not yet cleared by FDA.

Company page: iHealth… [4]


Sleep drug development

Great story about the development of Merck’s novel action sleep drug…


The Big Sleep

A woman recently posted online a description of her Ambien experiences:

  • Ordered 3 pairs of saddle shoes from eBay
  • Sexted my best male friend who is married. I have a BF as well
  • Ordered $35.00 stylus off of amazon, I must have thought it said $3.00 or something
  • Played draw something w/my friend and drew penises and rainbows for every word
  • Tried to legally change my name on the computer


Since the seventies, Stanford sleep scientists, led first by William Dement, had bred narcoleptic dogs. This was an achievement in itself. The animals suffered from extreme daytime sleepiness and had a propensity for mid-coital collapse: at moments of high emotion, the dogs, like narcoleptic humans, experienced sudden muscle weakness, or cataplexy. The first Stanford dog was a poodle named Monique. Later, there were other breeds; the Stanford colony, mostly Dobermans, had eighty dogs at its peak. Narcoleptic dogs gave birth to narcoleptic puppies; the disorder in canines has a single genetic cause. In 1999, after a decade-long search, a team led by Emmanuel Mignot, a researcher at Stanford, located the damaged gene, and reported that it encoded a receptor: the same one that had just been identified by the work done in California and Texas. Narcoleptic dogs lacked orexin receptors.