Sleep drug development

Great story about the development of Merck’s novel action sleep drug…


The Big Sleep

A woman recently posted online a description of her Ambien experiences:

  • Ordered 3 pairs of saddle shoes from eBay
  • Sexted my best male friend who is married. I have a BF as well
  • Ordered $35.00 stylus off of amazon, I must have thought it said $3.00 or something
  • Played draw something w/my friend and drew penises and rainbows for every word
  • Tried to legally change my name on the computer


Since the seventies, Stanford sleep scientists, led first by William Dement, had bred narcoleptic dogs. This was an achievement in itself. The animals suffered from extreme daytime sleepiness and had a propensity for mid-coital collapse: at moments of high emotion, the dogs, like narcoleptic humans, experienced sudden muscle weakness, or cataplexy. The first Stanford dog was a poodle named Monique. Later, there were other breeds; the Stanford colony, mostly Dobermans, had eighty dogs at its peak. Narcoleptic dogs gave birth to narcoleptic puppies; the disorder in canines has a single genetic cause. In 1999, after a decade-long search, a team led by Emmanuel Mignot, a researcher at Stanford, located the damaged gene, and reported that it encoded a receptor: the same one that had just been identified by the work done in California and Texas. Narcoleptic dogs lacked orexin receptors.