Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Gates Foundation backed Washington University team doing some amazing work on gathering, analysing and presenting global burden of disease metrics for easy browsing.

Data Visualizations

IHME strives to make its data freely and easily accessible and to provide innovative ways to visualize complex topics. Our data visualizations allow you to see patterns and follow trends that are not readily apparent in the numbers themselves. Here you can watch how trends in mortality change over time, choose countries to compare progress in a variety of health areas, or see how countries compare against each other on a global map.

Not sure which visualization will provide you with the results you are looking for? Click here for a guide that will help you determine which tool will best address your data needs.

GBD Compare is new to IHME’s lineup of visualizations and has countless options for exploring health data. To help you navigate this new tool, we have a video tutorial that will orient you to its controls and show you how to interact with the data. You can also watch the video of IHME Director Christopher Murray presenting the tools for the first time at the public launch on March 5, 2013.

Tobacco Burden Visualization

This interactive data visualization tool shows modeled trends in tobacco use and estimated cigarette consumption worldwide and by country for the years 1980 to 2012. Data were derived from nationally representative sources that measured tobacco use and reports on manufactured and nonmanufactured tobacco.

US Health Map

With this interactive map, you can explore health trends in the United States at the county level for both sexes in: life expectancy between 1985 and 2010, hypertension in 2001 and 2009, obesity from 2001 to 2011, and physical activity from 2001 to 2011.

GBD Compare

Analyze the world’s health levels and trends in one interactive tool. Use treemaps, maps, and other charts to compare causes within a country, compare countries with regions or the world, and explore patterns and trends by country, age, and gender. Drill from a global view into specific details. Watch how disease patterns have changed over time. See which causes of death and disability are having more impact and which are waning.

Mortality Visualization

How does input data become a GBD estimate? Walk through the estimation process for mortality trends for children and adults for 187 countries. See the source data and then watch as various stages in the estimation process reveal the final mortality estimates from 1970 to 1990.

COD Visualization

Where do we have the best data on the different health conditions? For any age group, see where the various data sources have placed the trends in causes of death over time. You can examine more than 200 causes in both adjusted and pre-adjusted numbers, rates, and percentages for 187 countries.

GBD Insight

What are the health challenges and successes in countries around the world?

GBD Heatmap

How do different health challenges rank across regions?

GBD Arrow Diagram

How has the burden of different diseases, injuries, and risk factors moved up or down over time?

GBD Uncertainty Visualization

Where do we have the best data on the different health conditions?

GBD Cause Patterns

What diseases and injuries cause the most death and disability globally?