A clear head shot on big sugar, soda etc…

Jenny Brand Miller commences her long-overdue capitulation…



Is sugar innocent?

Sunday 9 February 2014 8:05AM

Controversial research by two leading nutritionists which claims sugar has had no role to play in Australia’s obesity crisis is now under investigation by Sydney University.   The paper claims that sales of soft drinks have declined by 10 per cent, but now it looks like the nutritionists themselves are walking away from that statistic, as Wendy Carlisle writes.

What role does sugar play in Australia’s obesity crisis?

According to research from two leading nutritionists, the answer is not much at all.

If that’s the case, it means Australia is unique and sugar is not implicated in our ever expanding girths.  If the research is true, then sugar and in particular soft drinks are off the hook.

The research comes from one of Australia’s best known nutritionists, Professor Jennie Brand Miller, and her colleague Dr Alan Barclay.

Professor Brand Miller devised the Low GI diet and has sold millions of Low GI cookbooks. ‘GI Jennie’, as she is also known, is associated with Sydney University’s  $500 million Charles Perkins Centre for Obesity Research.

Australia’s obesity problem is unique, says Professor Brand Miller: ‘Australia is actually bucking the trend with respect to added sugars; there is good evidence that we are not increasing our intake, with various lines of evidence suggesting our consumption has been in the process of a long decline for quite a long period of time.’

This article represents part of a larger Background Briefing investigation. Listen to Wendy Carlisle’s full report on Sunday at 8.05 am or use the podcast links above after broadcast

The pair examined  FAO datasets on  Australian sugar and  concluded there has been a ‘substantial and consistent decline’ in the consumption of sugar by Australians since 1980.

After examining industry data on soft drink sales, they found Australians have cut their consumption of soft drinks by 10 per cent since 1994.

Not surprisingly, the soft drink industry is thrilled and the findings have been cited widely by the industry in their case against government regulation. We might be getting heavier as a nation, but we can’t blame sugar, says the industry.

‘Soft drinks in particular seem to be in the firing line as some sort of unique contributor to obesity,’ says Geoff Parker CEO of the Australian Beverage Council.

‘The findings do confirm  the Australian Paradox in that there has been a substantial decline in refined sugars over the timeframe that obesity has increased, so the implication is that efforts to reduce sugar intake  may not reduce the prevalence of obesity.’

Are we drinking more or less?

Image: Source: Australian Beverages Council


The Australian paradox would seem to let the soft drink industry and sugar off the hook, except that research is now under intense scrutiny from both Sydney University and the dogged form of former Reserve Bank economist Rory Robertson, who calls the research a ‘menace to public health’.

Mr Robertson has been complaining long and loud to the journal Nutrition and to Sydney University and for two years he says they told him to ‘get lost’.

Late last year the university announced a initial inquiry into the research under its research code of conduct.  An external investigator has been appointed.  If the investigator finds there is case to answer, the inquiry will proceed.

Until then, the university will not comment.

One of the most glaring errors in the paper, Mr Robertson says, is the claim that we are drinking 10 per cent less soft drink since 1994.

‘They show a chart of sugary soft drinks sales in Australia between 1994 and 2006, and that chart shows a rise in sugary soft drink sales from 35 L per person per year in 1994 to 45 L per person per year in 2006,’ he says.

‘And in the paper they describe  as a 10 per cent decline, which is nonsense—obviously it’s a 30 per cent increase.’

Are we drinking more or less? Image: The Australian Paradox: ‘Food industry data indicate per capita sales of low calorie (non-nutritively sweetened) beverages doubled from 1994 to 2006 while nutritively sweetened beverages decreased by 10 per cent.’ (Source: Australian Beverages Council)


It seemed to be an easy point to fact check.  Graph 5A in the Australian Paradox does indeed trend up by around 30 per cent between 1994 and 2006.

How could the Australian Paradox maintain this was an decrease when the graph clearly showed sales had gone up?

The responses from Professor Jennie Brand Miller and Dr Alan Barclay to Background Briefings inquiries have been equivocal.

Last Wednesday Dr Alan Barclay emailed to say: ‘Your claim is most certainly wrong’.  After another series of email exchanges another answer came through on Thursday.

‘The 10 per cent decline could not possibly refer to per capita sales of nutritively sweetened soft drinks,’ wrote Dr Barclay.

‘I’m sorry I cannot make it more clear than this.’

The paper remains on the Sydney University website of the Glycemic Index Foundation.




A transcript of this program will be made available by the Tuesday following the broadcast.


Wendy Carlisle
Anna Whitfeld
Supervising Producer
Linda McGinness
Sound Engineer
Executive Producer
Chris Bullock