Activity guidelines shun sitting…

Oh yes. Could really have seen the Tele lap these guidelines up… especially the standing agenda item piece. Terrific.

Why the exercise guidelines take a stand on sitting

by Claudine Ryan

For the first time our physical activity guidelines are not only telling us to get more exercise, they’re also telling us to stand up for our health.


Australia’s exercise guidelines have recently been overhauled, and they’re going to come as a rude shock to many of us. Not only are we being told we need to do a lot more physical activity, but we’re also being urged to get out of our chairs – even if we do the right amount of exercise.

The new guidelines are now officially known as Australia’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines, and they focus not just on the exercise but on the amount of time we spend being sedentary.


ABC Health & Wellbeing producer Claudine Ryan spoke to Julia Christensen from ABC Local Radio in Darwin about the new guidelines, and why we all need to to ‘sit less’.

11 mins 42 sec | 2.6 mb | Download mp3 audio

Sedentary behaviour is the term used to describe physically inactive tasks that don’t require a lot of energy, basically sitting or lying down. Activities are often measures in METs (Metabolic Equivalent of Task),sedentary activities are in between 1 and 1.5 METs, walking at a moderate pace ranges from 3 to 3.5 and jogging is about 7.

In recent years, a growing body of research has linked sedentary behaviour to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and premature death. It’s considered such a risk that one US expert has gone so far as to suggest sitting for most of the day may be as dangerous to your health as smoking.

Experts say we’re sedentary on average for seven to 10 hours a day (and this doesn’t include our time spent sleeping). Even if you are meeting, or exceeding, the recommended 60 minutes a day of moderate intensity physical activity, you can still be considered sedentary. (This group of people is sometimes referred to as ‘active couch potatoes’.)

While researchers are still trying to understand exactly why sedentary behaviour has such a negative effect on our health, it appears to be related to how our bodies process fats and sugars. There are enzymes involved in this process that are released when certain muscles contract during standing. When you sit for prolonged periods the production and activity of these enzymes appears to slow down.

The guidelines don’t make any specific recommendations about how long you should sit for, instead they say we should “minimise the amount of time spent in prolonged sitting” and to “break up long periods of sitting as often as possible”.

However, some experts recommend breaking up any period of sitting that lasts longer than 20 to 30 minutes. You do this by simply standing up for a couple of minutes or taking a short walk. (It’s also worth noting, that neither the guidelines, nor those working in this field, are suggesting that you need to spend your entire day standing.)

Here are some ways to cut back on the amount of sitting you do:

At work:

  • Try to encourage standing or walking meetings. If this doesn’t work, see if you can get your colleagues to include a standing break, or ‘standing agenda’ item.
  • Stand up when using the phone, or when reading emails, documents or reports.
  • Set up printers, rubbish bins, drawers, and other things you may need during your work day, away from your desk so you need to get out of your chair more often.
  • Try walking to your colleagues to talk to them instead of using email if possible.
  • Set yourself a reminder on your computer to stand up regularly.
  • Make it a habit to drink more water throughout the day. You’ll have to move to get your regular glasses of water and their effect on your bladder will mean you’ll take more regular trips to the toilet.
  • Break for lunch, even if it’s just a ten-minute walk.
  • Walk or ride to work.
  • Get off public transport or park your car a little further from your work and walk some of the way.

At home:

  • Stand up and walk around when using your phone.
  • When watching TV, stand and do household chores, such as folding clothes and ironing.
  • Put your remote control away so you are forced to get up to use manual controls.
  • Embrace household chores.
  • Stand when catching up on news via the newspaper, phone or tablet.
  • Walk or ride when you need to do things that are closer than a certain distance to your home.

Published 24/02/2014