Deeble Inst: Jury still out on P4P


PDF: deeble_issues_brief_no_6_partel_k_can_we_improve_the_health_system_with_performance_reporting

The jury is still out on pay-for-performance and other financial incentive mechanisms


Wed, 28/05/2014


Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA)

Can we improve the health system with pay-for-performance? is the latest Health Policy Issues Brief released by the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association’s Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research. Outlining Australian and international experiences with pay-for-performance, the brief unpacks the latest research evidence and implications for policymakers.

“The healthcare system is moving toward greater efficiency, transparency and accountability, and this trend is not likely to change,” Alison Verhoeven, Chief Executive of the AHHA said today. “To meet these goals, a number of financing reforms have been implemented across its health system, but it is unclear where the reform process is now headed.”

“We need to remember there is no single fix to improve service delivery and patient outcomes, to ensure financial sustainability and to increase accountability and transparency in a health system,” said Krister Partel, Policy Analyst with the AHHA’s Deeble Institute. “The jury is still out on whether financial incentive mechanisms, such as pay-for-performance, work as intended and deliver value for money, but if we want to go down that route then the research literature is rich in lessons to keep in mind when developing and rolling out pay-for-performance programs.”

“Regardless of how health financing is structured in the future, governments must ensure that changes strengthen the health system and improve public confidence in it,” said Alison Verhoeven.

“The AHHA is proud to support independent research to inform evidence-based policy development, and we look forward to furthering this discussion to maximise the use of health resources and enhance patient care.”

The Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association represents Australia’s largest group of health care providers in public hospitals, community and primary health sectors and advocates for universal high quality healthcare to benefit the whole community.

Media inquiries:
Alison Verhoeven, Chief Executive, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association 0403 282 501