Forcing the prevention industry – a 10 year journey


  • The Future of Human API
  • Forcing the prevention industry into existence
  • Stage Zero disease detection and treatment

Critical trends:

  • lab-in-a-box diagnostics
  • quantified self
  • medical printing

When these trends converge, there’ll be an inflection point where a market is established.

Health data moves from system of record >> system of engagement.

Promoting the evolution from a Product mentality to a Market mentality

As treatment starts to focus on Stage Zero/pre-clinical disease,  it turns into prevention.



The Asymptotic Shift From Disease To Prevention–Thoughts For Digital Health

It’s been said that good artists borrow and great artist steal.  And I believe that Picasso was right.  So, I guess I’m somewhere between a thief and a artist and that suits me just fine.

I’ve stolen from two great thinkers, so let’s get that out of the way.  The first isDaniel Kraft, MD. Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and innovator. He’s the founded and Executive Director of FutureMed, a program that explores convergent, rapidly developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and healthcare. He’s also a go-to source on digital health. I’m stealing “zero stage disease” from Dr. Kraft. Simply put, it’s the concept of disease at its most early, sub-clinical stage.  It’s a point where interventions can halt or change a process and potentially eliminate any significant manifestation of disease.

The second source of inspiration is Richie Etwaru.  He is a brilliant and compelling speaker and a champion for global innovation, Mr. Etwaru, is responsible for defining and delivering the global next generation enterprise product suite for health and life sciences at Cegedim RelationshipManagement. His inspiring video, The Future of Human API really got me thinking.

At the heart of Mr. Etwaru’s discussion is the emergence of prevention–not treatment–as the “next big thing”.


Ok, nothing new so far.  But the important changes seen in the digital health movement have given us a profound opportunity to move away from the conventional clinical identification of a that golf-ball sized tumor in your chest to a much more sophisticated and subtle observation. We are beginning to find a new disease stage–different from the numbers and letters seen in cancer staging.  The disease stage is getting closer and closer to zero.  It’s taking an asymptotic path that connects disease with prevention. The point here is that the holy grail of prevention isn’t born of health and wellness.  Prevention is born out of disease and our new-found ability to find it by looking closer and earlier.  Think quantified self and Google Calico.

And here lies the magic.

We all live in the era of disease.  And the vast majority of healthcare costs are spent after something happens. The simple reality is that prevention is difficult to fund and the health-economic model is so skewed to sickness and the end of life that it’s almost impossible to change. But if we can treat illness earlier and earlier–the concept of an asymptote–we build a model where prevention and disease share the very same border.  They become, in essence, the same. And it’s here that early, early, early disease stage recognition (Stage Zero) becomes prevention. The combination of passive (sensor mediated) observation and proactive life-style strategies for disease suppression can define a new era of health and wellness.

Keep Critical! Follow me on Twitter and stay healthy!